The arrival

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A young man from what he looked like was 17.
He wore baggy black jeans with a black shirt and a hoodie while wearing a mask the concealed half of his face. While wearing black Air Forces. He was listening to music as he walked towards the academy entrance while not a single care in the world. A certain aura surrounded him as students saw him walking to the entrance.

???:"who is that?" One person said "is he a transfer student?" While the other piped in. Then a blonde female woman looked outside looking at him with interest "my my what do we have here?".

He then walks inside the school as his footsteps echoed through the halls since every other student was in class. The sound of his footsteps sounded menacing as if he was calm about something.

————In the student council room——————-
A female with silver silky hair opened up her eyes sensing a certain someone has entered her school.

???: it seems that a familiar person has entered my school" then another female voice chimed in "who would that be Miss president?"
???: you will have to wait but in the mean time all we can do is observe from afar" the other female nodded her head as they both walked over to a table that had a monitor as they scrolled through trying to find our friend.

—————-Back in the halls and classroom———

Our main character looks up from his phone as he already knew where he was heading. He then stopped and knocked on the door as some students scurried back into their seats while the professor opens the door. Y/n walks inside the classroom as he opens up one ear from his headphone. He then gave a little wave.

"Everyone meet the new transfer students"
Y/n: Hello everyone" he said calmly but most of the students were confused that his voice would sound like that since his appearance looked intimidating " I hope you guys will treat me as your fellow classmate" he says as he then walks forward taking a seat next to our fellow classmates Ryota.

He then placed his headphone back onto his ear as he resumes to his music.

Only a few minutes later a familiar woman taps his desk gaining his attention as he looks up at her taking his headphones off.

Y/n : Yes?" He asked as he stared into her eyes "you have peaked my interests, would you mind gambling with me? It's just a friendly little match" she asked him as he thinks only for a moment "sure I don't see the harm in that"

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