The beginning

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Finland and Estonia's POV

It had now been days since Finland had heard from Estonia. For a few days after their hang out Finland and Estonia had continued to text each other but Estonia eventually got quieter until she didn't text back at all and that went on for a worrying amount of days to go quiet.

Finland had tried to send messages like a simple "Hi." Or "Are you alright?" And yet received no response. Was it something he had done? Surely not. He texted around getting the same answers from the other countries. Nobody had received any texts from her or seen her at all. Something was wrong. Getting a terrible feeling, Finland quickly heads to his front door putting on his winter coat before leaving the warmth of his house. He struggled to keep the worrying thoughts out of his head as he hurried over to Estonia's house dreading the worst.

He soon reaches the house and urgently knocks on the front door and surprisingly Estonia answered opening the door to Finland. Not even thinking twice Finland instantly hugged Estonia. He had been so worried about her. Thank goodness she was alright. Or was she?..

  Estonia would then hug them in return. She then took a breath before tiredly saying a soft "Hi Fin.." she was glad to see him again. Finland pulled back from the hug looking at Estonia's face with concern. She looked so tired and had dark circles under her eyes like she hadn't been sleeping and upon hugging her she felt thin and underweight very much different to how it felt a mere days ago. Was she not eating? "Hey are you alright?.." He asked.

"I'v just not been feeling very good lately..." Estonia quietly responded. Maybe she was feeling too ill to make anything herself Finland thought. "Would you like me to make you some dinner?.."

"That would be nice.." Estonia responds giving a tired eyed smile. She then stepped aside politely letting him in.
"Now you go sit down and i will deal with everything ok" Finland says confidently as he entered the house. Thanking Fin, Estonia then made her way to the living room and sat herself down on the sofa. A few moments later Finland came in bringing her a blanket and making sure she was cozy. He'd then head into the kitchen to see what he could make for them to eat.

Once in the kitchen Finland looked around to see plates stacked high on the counter and looked to have been placed recently. But if Estonia had been eating well then why was she so thin? He decided to not give it a second thought and started looking for food. As he searched around the kitchen the only thing he could find were vegetables and not very many of them.

Apparently everything else had already been eaten. Finland paused to think then peeks his head out of the kitchen doorway looking into the living room where Estonia was sitting on the sofa huddled up in the blanket. She probably wouldn't notice if he quickly went outside to do some scavenging. Quietly turning he sneaks to the back door and leaves carefully closing the door behind him as to not let Estonia know he had left.

It wasn't long until Finland came back through the door dragging some snow inside with his boots. He would be carrying a goose that was seemingly dead as it's long neck limply flopped over. Hopefully this should be enough for Estonia i mean it is a pretty big goose that had put up quite the fight. He'd close the door behind him as to not let the cold in then walk over to the kitchen counter dropping the dead goose onto it. He then took off his coat and winter hat tossing them aside as he started the butchering process.

After plucking all the feathers off of the goose, removing the parts nobody wants to eat and letting it cook in the oven for a while, Finland had prepared a lovely roast goose for Estonia even using the few vegetables he found at the start to go along with it. The smell of freshly roast goose filled the air like an old fashioned Christmas dinner. "Hopefully she'll enjoy this." Finland said to himself as he dished some goose and vegetables onto two separate plates. He'd then take them into the next room and approach the sofa Estonia had been waiting on taking a seat beside her. "Sorry i took so long.." He said as he passed them the plate of roast goose.

"Thank you Fin." Estonia said giving them a smile before tucking in. Finland was about to start eating from his own plate when he glanced back to Estonia. They were scoffing the goose down like a dog if food was dropped on the floor. Were those plates stacked in the kitchen even hers? Out of curiosity and mild concern he decided to ask. "Have you been eating alright?.."

It took a few moments for Estonia to answer back due to stuffing her mouth full of food. "I guess?.. I just feel so hungry though.."
"When i went into your kitchen there were plates stacked on the side and i couldn't find any food.. Did you eat all of it?.." Finland questioned as he tried to get to the bottom of whatever seemed to be wrong.

Estonia paused and looked to be trying to think. "I-I don't know.. I think i did? My mind's been so fuzzy lately.." She said sounding just as confused as Finland was about the situation. Well this was quite the mystery. "Have you thought about visiting a doctor yet?" At this point he was really concerned for their health having eaten and still getting more underweight by the day.

"I just.. don't really feel like going out anywhere right now Fin.. I'm sure whatever's the matter will pass.." Estonia said as she buried herself in the blanket Finland had given her earlier. She seemed to be pretty reluctant to see a doctor about it. Well if she wasn't going to see a doctor then Finland would just have to take the part. No way was he just going to leave Estonia to get into worse state then she already was.

Shaking away all his curious questions Finland stands up and takes their now empty plate. "How about i get you some seconds then hm?" The offer of more food made Estonia lift her face from the blanket and look to Finland with a small smile. "Yes please."

"Alright m'lady." Finland said with a smirk acting all fancy like. "I'll be right back with your meal." Then off he went back to the kitchen to dish out more goose for Estonia. He still had questions and worries but if Estonia didn't want to see a real doctor he wasn't going to push her. Once he had dished out more food and brought it back to Estonia she scoffed it down just like she had done the first time. This went on multiple times and yes to Finland's surprise Estonia actually ate the entire goose.

"Well- I've never seen someone eat an entire goose before-.." Finland chuckled awkwardly. To which Estonia just yawned tiredly. She still looked terrible.. "Are you feeling alright?.." He'd say tilting his head ever so slightly. "I'm just.. really tired.." Estonia mumbled looking to be struggling as she fought to keep her eyes open. "How about i carry you to bed." Finland would say as he carefully scooped them up and started carrying them to their bedroom.

Once in their room Finland walked over to their bed carefully setting them down and gently tucked them in. "Goodnight Estonia. I hope you feel better in the morning." He whispered to them quietly before giving them a gentle peck on the forehead and walking back to the bedroom doorway. He'd pause for a moment to look back at them.

" I'll be just in the next room if you need anything alright?.." Finland then left the room closing the door behind him just barely leaving it cracked open. He'd go and make himself comfortable on the sofa. Hopefully things were going to get better now he was here to help them. Everyone goes through bad times after all. Maybe this was just one of those times.

Reassuring thoughts now running through his mind Finland soon fell asleep himself ever so slightly grunting in his sleep.

End of chapter 2

Sorry if you didn't find this very interesting ;v;"

But if you did enjoy it then thanks for reading the next chapters will probably get more interesting

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