Chapter 4

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So this was my fate? Being stuck in a stupid pod and shot out into space? And who knows how I'd die there. I could starve, crash into something, fly into the sun, the possibilities were endless.

I was thrown in and the door closed as soon as I landed. There wasn't much in the room. Only the chair I was sitting in.

There had to be a control panel somewhere, right? No... they wouldn't leave it vulnerable. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a small box that read 'CONTROL PANEL'. Apparently they did.

The screws required a certain type of screwdriver I had never heard of. Well, who needed that sh__t when you have a hammer? Yes they had let me keep my hammer.

I hit the panel hard leaving a big dent. I hit again this time bringing off the cover. I ripped out the wires deactivating the entire pod. I watched as it disappeared into thin air. Weird.

There was a sidewalk passing all the pods and leading to the ground. Surprisingly, there were no guards. I casually walked down the sidewalk and people were either watching YouTube or pounding on the door screaming for help. I ignored them because I'm such a good person.

  Bots were patrolling the ground still on alert for humans. I looked around for a spot where they wouldn't see me. There was a back road that lead to a nearby forest I could take. It looked like there were no bots down there so I sprinted along the road and into the forest.

• • •

I was starting to get extremely hungry. When was the last time I had ate? What time was it anyway?

I looked around for anywhere there could be food. As I re-entered the city I saw the mall of the globe. They had a food court! I could steal some food from there.

The mall was eerily empty. It was kinda creepy. I felt like..... like I was being watched.. I shook away the feeling and continued deeper into the mall.

As I entered the food court It smelt fresh food that must've been made right before the uprising. I went into a small snack bar and picked up a couple [favorite snacks]. Just in case I had to leave the mall all of the sudden. I didn't really want to starve to death.

I made my way towards the exit but still felt extremely uneasy. I stopped and looked around to see if there was anyone there. Nobody.

Just as I turned back around to get to the exit, I heard a noise. It sounded like this weird creepy laugh from... a furby... I looked behind me one last time and saw a furby sitting there staring at me creepily. I looked up. On the railing above me stood around a hundred furbies. I shivered.

The one behind me edged closer. I stood there and stared at it. It squeaked something. All the others started whispering the same thing to eachother. I crouched down and offered my hand to it. It happily hopped into my hand and admitted another squeak. The others began to chat whatever the other had said.

Suddenly two more appeared from the dark and led me forward. I hesitantly followed. Where were they taking me..? We came around a corner and behind it was a giant furby. 'Worlds Largest Furby!' A sign read. A furby appeared carrying a paper. It gave it to me and let out another squeak. The paper read. 'LET THE 3LDeR DECIDE YOUR FATE.' The paper read. So.... I was being kidnapped by a cult of furbies? Great.

The larger furby let out a deep laugh. The one that had handed me the paper went back into a room. It appeared with another one. It read 'GOOD HUMAN. PROTECTOR.'

I was confused for a second. Then it hit me. They wanted me to protect all of them from the PAL robots. They feared them as much as humans did. I wonder why?

"Uh- thank you elder furby." The furby let out a low pitched laugh again. A furby came up to me with a pistol in its beak. "Oh thanks for the gun." I set down the furby in my hands and picked up the gun. Now I could live in the mall since the furbies would help me get rid of any bots trying to take me back to a pod or worse. There was lots of food and water so I wouldn't starve for a long time. It was the perfect place to live durning this whole uprising thing.

I would be safe. But what about Mark? I would have to get him out of the pods before he was launched into space. Maybe I could run over there with a furby army and get all the humans out. But what good would that do? It would increase emu chances of getting caught and put the furbies at risk. I just needed to grab Mark and go back to the mall. We would be safe from the robots and safe from Pal.

• • •

Hello, I'm sorry for the wait. But chapter four is here yay! Now you gotta wait for chapter five to come out for another eternity.

Again, thank you for all the votes and reads! I appreciate it but this book obviously doesn't deserve it lol.

Anyways, have an amazing day!

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