Chapter 3

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People all over the world were panicking and trying to fix the world wide internet outage. Robots were taking advantage of their panic and offering free WiFi in the 'fun' pods. Of course, people took the bait.

"It's over Mark." The phone looked away from us. "It's time to take our plan to the next level." The ground began to shake so intensely that I fell. I wasn't able to catch myself since I was cuffed so I had hard fall. I felt a pain on the back of my head but ignored it.

Mark ran over to a huge window where the robot holding Pal was standing. I got up and joined them. We were going up. Mark was in shock.

Pal began laughing. "Look at your faces! Oh, they're beautiful." I stared out of the glass at the area around us. There were robots everywhere and cyan capsules dotted the sky.

"! You won't get away with this!" Mark hissed. "It's too late Mark." Pal said. "I already have."

• • •

Me and Mark were still in the room watching as the capsules or 'fun pods' filled a triangle looking thing.

"Wow never though you would bring about the extinction of humanity." I said bluntly.

Mark put his head into his arms. "Y/N I'm sorry I didn't- I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I'm sorry!" He sounded extremely upset almost like he was crying.

"No I mean- It's fine I don't really care- I was just saying I didn't think you and your nerdy sh__t would ever accomplish that." I shrugged awkwardly. "Hey it's your nerdy sh__t too!" He  elbowed me in the side. "Touché." I smiled.

A robot entered the room carrying.... a very tall chair. "Good work." Pal smiled evilly. The robot set it down in the middle of the room and placed Pal on top of it. "MY STOOL OF TALL!!"  She yelled out.

Was she like- drunk or something?! "Are you intimidated by my tallness?" Pal smirked. Me and Mark looked at each other sharing the same confusion on our faces.

"Not in the slightest...." I mumbled. "WHAT?! FRANCIS YOU INTIMIDATION SEQUENCE ISN'T FUNCTIONING CORRECTLY!" The robots in the room began to panic. What were they panicking about? Me not being intimidated by a tiny phone sitting on top of an oversized stool? Idiots.

"HE LIED! BURN HIS CIRCUITS ALIVE!" Pal commanded in a panic. The robots then melted the one who I could assume was Francis. Poor Francis.

Pal cleared her throat. "Anyways, back to watching humanity suffer, all because of you Mark." She smiled. Mark's face changed to an expression of guilt. "Hey it's fine, we all make mistakes bud." I reassured him. "Thanks Y/N but Pals right...... humanity is going extinct and it's gonna be all my fault.." Mark sighed sadly.

"He's actually correct for once Y/N. Maybe you should give up on trying to make him feel better about himself and let him suffer the consequences."

I gritted my teeth. Pal thought she could make my best friend sad and get away with it? I looked at the stool. If I shoved myself hard enough into the stool it would tip over and break her. I slammed myself into one of the leg with all my might. The stool began the fall back, Pal along with it.

"S-SOMEONE CATCH ME!" Pal was sent into a panic. A nearby robot picked me up and threw me under the spot Pal would land. I caught her with my face.

"Ew You smell like Mark's sweaty hands." I hissed. I stood up throwing Pal off of me. "Wait I do?" Pal questioned. "Yeah and it's disgusting."

Suddenly a bot restrained me. "EY WHAT THE HELL-" I shouted. "Sorry but we can't have you around here, your too big of a threat." Pal explained. "Send her to one of the top pods." She commanded. The bots nodded and dragged me away.

• • •

Hey I'm really sorry for not updating, I got grounded for a while and wasn't able to get on Wattpad. Also I apologize for not responding to comments, I'm a bit socially awkward.

(Stool of tall what the hell-)

AND 1K READS?! Thank you all so much it means a lot to me.

Anyways, have an amazing day!

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