Part 1

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*Yamato POV

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*Yamato POV

"Mori, all I want to know is did we lose them?" Okita asked with mild anticipation.

"I think we all know the answer to that, captain." Mori deadpanned, still remaining professional.

The Yamato drifted through the dark void of space after exiting warp into an unknown system. Several UNCF fighters flew by to survey the area and provide support.

We made a blind jump. How did they..?" XO Sanada asked

-get here first? The Gamilon ships have always been faster. As for tracking us all the way from Pluto... at warp speed, IQ and Shima's maneuvering options were limited." Mori answered

Sanada paced back and forth.

"We were running dark, yes?" The XO quizzed

"Until we decelerated. No one could have missed the hole we tore in subspace." IQ9 interrupted.

"They were waiting for us on the far side of the planet" The operator, Yuki added

"So where do we stand?" Okita asked

"Our Cosmo tiger fighter squadron are mopping up the rest of their recon picket now, nothing too serious." XO confirmed.

"I've isolated approach signatures from multiple super dreadnought battle groups, make it three capital ships per group." Mori warned, glaring at her console.

"And in about 90 seconds they'll be all over us." IQ9 finished.

As Yamato came around the orbit of a gas giant in the system, something else came up.

But before they could determine what the scanners were to pick up, a sudden jolt struck the port and starboard.

"Captain, the Gamilons have us pinned from all angles!" The navigator, Shima, huffed.

"A direct hit to the wave motion engine, our energy level is unstable!" The chief engineer, Tokugawa, warned.

"Shut down the Wave engine and bring our auxiliary online" The captain ordered evenly, not to stir further panic.

The Yamato's singular wave engine thruster died down, (as to not overheat and cause further interior damage) leaving the ship to quickly exchange to it's secondary twin thrusters.



The year is 2199, and earth is on the verge of destruction. Humanity of the United Nations Cosmo Force have battled and suffered by the hands of the Intergalactic Empire known as Gamilon.

After pushing the Gamilon forces further from the Sol system, they began to rain earth with their deadly planet bombs; reducing the once beautiful blue planet to a heavily radiated wasteland.

To save earth, the UNCF built a top secret space battleship at around the same time humanity received a message from another alien race who called themselves Iskandar.

The mission to revive earth and save mankind; was to travel to a distant world, outside of our own galaxy, with the aid of the Iskandarian special technology and humanity's Space Battleship Yamato.

But from making a blind warp-jump, after escaping a surprise attack, they find themselves in a new, possibly worse predicament than the dying Mother Earth.


*back to the Yamato*

Coming into view... was an object.

"What is that thing lieutenant?" The Executive Officer, Sanada asked, addressing Shima, who was navigating the helm.

"I'm not sure.... but, we're landing on it!" Shima said, struggling with the controls.

The Yamato pressed onwards, even as it spat out smoke from its stern and thunderous sparks from the sudden strikes Gamilon weaponry.

Coming into view was the object; A massive ring world in orbit of the gas giant. On its inward surface appeared to be continents; land masses, oceans and clouds. The outer segment was purely metallic with patches of blue lights.

As the Yamato drew closer to the cosmic space donut, the more the crew could visually make out.

"Warning. T-minus 2 minutes till impact with the object's gravity well." IQ9 said.

"Extending stability wings." Shima declared.

The Yamato then sprouted wings near its lower hull. Angular fins that would stabilize the vessel when landing/flying in the atmosphere.

As the ship closed in, the crimson beams of the Gamilon fleet abruptly showered. Eventually ceasing completely, leaving the Yamato to drift "peacefully" towards the ring's gravity well.

"The Gamilons have ceased firing..?" Muttered tactical chief Kodai.


On the other side of the skirmish were a cluster of Gamilon ships. They were different in colour, compared to the standard dark green and yellow eyes of the Gamilon Astro Navy; instead, they were dark blue with pink eyes.

Special units belonging to the Imperial Guard.

The Imperial guard was a second, more ruthless navy. They were of pure Gamilon blood and wore the crest and dark blue colour on their ships. They were the secret police, and bodyguards of the imperium and doubled as lucrative in undertaking missions, vital for the succession of Gamilon as a whole.

But little did anyone know that the servants of Gamilon; imperial guard, were entitled to be dispatched, to uncover and protect critical discoveries. (Like the top secret second Balaris project, commissioned by lord dessler.)

This fleet was the 21st Special Astro Force. They arrived in the system about four weeks prior to the Terran's vessel's arrival. And with this sudden surprise and leak in their defences, that the Terran's have just uncovered.

In command was Major-General Lüft Rosbur.

And he was seething in rage.

"Cease fire, you fools!" His voice blasted.

"My lord?" His second in command, Büke questioned.

"We don't want to damage the ring." The senior commander scolded.

"But what about the Terron ship?"

"We'll follow them to the Ring's surface. Divide our forces and capture them. Then continue with our investigation."

"Yes, sir."

The XO saluted and walked off to relay his commander's orders. While the General stood and glared at the Terron vessel.


Thank you for reading this idea.

"Halo x Star Blazers."

I'm not really original, nor creative enough. So here I started off with modified Halo Combat Evolved dialogue in hopes it would further develop.

Images, art work is not mine.

Star Blazers / Space Battleship Yamato and Halo are owned by their respective companies.

Hope this is good. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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