She slipped on her highest pair of heels, smiling at the extended height. "I'm bored."

He swallowed, straightening himself. "Ana, you know we can't be leaving all the time. Even with Cordelia at her weakest, we shouldn't risk it."

She rolled her eyes, leaning against the doorway. "Yes, yes, I'm well aware of our risks, dear. I'm just putting on a fashion for you, is all." She winked, strutting over to his closet.

"Ah, I see." He nodded, his eyes following her. "A fashion show."

She hummed in response, unzipping out of her black dress as she tried on a purple one. "So like, can we really not go anywhere besides the cooperative?" She glanced over at him.

He sat up, blonde hair falling over his face. "I don't like it either, but like I said, there's risks."

She nodded, holding a red dress up to her body.

"So, that's it?" Michael narrowed his eyes. "No, bitching or complaints like last time?" He sent her a confused smirk.

"I suppose you could say I'm behaving this time." She chuckled, looking over to him as she set a box of jewelry down at the foot of the bed.

He leaned back against the headboard, crossing his legs as he shook his head. "Yeah, right. You and behaving don't go together in the same sentence." He laughed when she chucked her heel at him, her face blushing red in amusement as she fished through her jewels.

They settled into a comfortable silence, and he watched her as she layered all of her limbs with the items he had stolen for her. Ana didn't even really wear much jewelry, besides the two rings that Madison had taken from her. But Michael liked proving his affection to Ana daily, and when he wasn't fucking her into galaxies, he'd buy her almost everything on the planet.

She had a confident smile on her face, her eyes gleaming with a look that he hadn't seen in what felt like forever. Still, it didn't matter how happy Ana was, Michael would still worry about her. Hell, he worried over everything.

"Are you sure you feel up to going tomorrow?" He lifted his chin, gaining her attention.

She narrowed her eyes, placing her hands on the box. "I told you I was, why do you keep asking?"

He cleared his throat. "I just...want to make sure you're okay." Truth was, he had gotten used to having Ana back to the shy, quiet girl that reminded him of when they had first met on the streets, even if it had only been less than a week. Maybe he was babying her, but he couldn't help how he felt.

"Yes, I'm fine." She chuckled, crawling on the bed as she straddled his lap. "Stop worrying." She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"That's impossible." He sighed, looking up to her as his hands held her waist. "I'm always going to worry about you. Hasn't that gotten through into that curly little head of yours?" He smirked, tugging on a curl that dangled down her face.

She grabbed his hand with hers, bringing their smiling faces together as their lips locked. To Ana, she almost couldn't wrap her head around how happy she was. Just days ago, she was breaking down and shaking like a leaf, ready to give up and be crippled by terror. Now, she was practically glowing in a radiant joy, her love for Michael overpowering everything else in the world.

"Am I reading tonight?" Michael breathed, pulling away and kissing the side of her mouth. She hummed as she pushed her curls back, resting her forehead on his chest. He reached over to their nightstand, grabbing Pride and Prejudice. They were rereading their books now, and this was their next. He had told her several times that he could get her more, but she never wanted any. Those three were the only ones she desired to read.

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