1~Info on the new student

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Bakugos POV-
"Deku i ..."
i expected rejection but was instead met with his soft lips pressed against my own.
That moment i couldnt be happier as i proceeded to return the kiss.
Then he pulled away
"kacchan i-"
what the fuck!?
I jolt out of my bed only to see the one and only shitty hair-
FUCK my first day of another year of hell has begun
God i didnt want to be but i was in a shittyer (A/N: is that a word) mood than usual. I mean i was having such a good dream and that extra just had to ruin it .
I wish deku was here I just wanna hold him in my arms again.
I wanna be able to see his cute face and little freckles everyday and- OH SHIT I SOUND SO FUCKING SOFT
anyway how long is sensei gonna take class started 5 minutes ago and four eyes won't shut up.

3rd persons POV-
Just then a tall lanky man strode into the class looking somewhat more presentable then usual (he wasn't crawling in his banana sleeping bag)
"Iida sit in your seat"
"Ok class" pushing his hair back aizawa continued "ok so in 2 days ..i think...we will be having a new student joining us from The United Kingdom so- yes Mina"
"Wait if he's from UK how will we be able to communicate with him also How strong is he to transfer into our class ??"
"To answer your questions you all will have to worry about communication problems but that shouldnt be an issue....also he actually took the entrance exam and has been participating in class just from aboard"

"WAIT WHAT?!" the class (minus obviously todo and bakuhoe) yelled in unison from the shock of having another classmate they never knew about.
"WAIT HOW WAS HE ABLE TO TAKE THE EXAM IF HES BRITISH" Iida questioned his hand chopping the air as usual.
"ughhhhh stop questioning me question the student when they come!"
and with that class 2a could only wait till the new person arrived to get answers.
------------------------------------------------Time skip~at the dorms
Class 2a were all currently having a little discussion about there little new student they couldnt wait they were all hoping something new would happen this year and a new student was gonna be fun.
Mina,"ok so do you guys wanna watch youtube now im boreddd"
"mina we all have an assigment that is due to-"
"Iida hush dude we can do it after and besides ProMido has uploaded again and ITS ABOUT ENDEAVOUR wow"
Kaminari glanced at todoroki
"what? put it on i wanna see what he thinks about him"
They played the video
After a few minutes majority of class burst out into laughing fits even iida was finding it hard to contain his laughter. The video consisited of ProMido consistently roasting endeavour and boii was it funny.
Meanwhile, While everyone was distracted a certain Blonde quickly slipped away.
ᖇIᑎᘜ ᖇIᑎᘜ ᖇIᑎᘜ ᖇIᑎᘜ!!
Broccolis POV-
The small greenette picked up his phone.
"hey deku"
"i miss you so much"
"me too deku i wished youd come back already i wanna kiss you so bad I MEAN-I-OH SHIT "
A light blush spread across the greenettes face as he tried to forget what his boyfriend just said he knows it wasnt meant to be said out loud
"Deku i -"
"s-so hows your day been kacchan?"
"Oh yeah were getting a new student and he happens to be from britain like you.."
"Wait -REALLY thats nice i guess...how do you feel about it"
"ok as long as there not an annoying shit "
Deku giggles
"w'ell see kacchan..."
"What did you say deku.."
"oh nothing got to go now love you!"
"l-love you too"
Hangs up
*phew that was close*
"izuku honey come downstairs!"

Bakugos POV-
After i finished talking to deku i decided to go hang out with the extras a bit before i go to sleep.
I threw on a hoodie that was dekus but a bit oversized so it fit me perfectly. With this I can feel close to him.I then made my way to the common room.
When I arrived they were already in a game of truth or dare so ofc I went and joined.
After a few rounds it was finally my turn
"So bakugo truth or dare?" Pinky asked with a sly smirk
I ain't no pussy but I knew she was planning something soooo-

"ehehe..." her grin grew even wider

Oh god I should've went with dare

"I'm surprised you decided to play after you gave up playing t or d that one time we figured you had a love interest.."

Oh shit how'd I forget for fuck sake

"So bakugo  do we happen to know this person?"

I mean they wouldn't be able to figure it out..


she screamed so loud I felt like my ears would burst

Oh fuck could raccoon eyes actually know who it is...

She gave kiri a quick glance and then winked at him. He turned redder then his hair
it was funny to be honest but wtf since when is shitty hair and mina all googley eyes.
I didn't want them to find out anything else about my boyfriend so I got up headed to bed.
"Night Extras"
"Goodnight bakugo"

Shitty hair then got up

"Wait bakubro I'll walk with you"

God I hate that nickname but it's ok for now. If deku ever found out he had a nickname for me he'd be long gone.
The thought of deku roasting the shit out of him brought a small smile to my face but it quickly turned to a scowl as I remembered I'm still with all my classmates.
"Tch come on then"
And with that we left all are "friends" and headed to bed.

Minas POV

"Guys you all seen that right"

"if you mean the beast smiling then yes" -todoroki

"Todoroki-kun he's more like a cute Pomeranian than a beast" ochako said making a somewhat cute pouty face .

"Uraraka what drugs are you on? did you take some of my special gummies or something because bakugo is a mile a way from cute" (A/N if you guess who said this I will give a shout-out)

Ochako just glared at k̶s̶s̶f̶g̶s̶s̶h̶ at the fact hed even think shed take drugs

"KIRISHIMA!! were here now you can go in "
(kiris POV now btw)
Kirishima was snapped out of his thoughts by the blondes voice
He didnt realize they were at his dorm and had been standing there for a few minutes.
"oh sorry bakubro you can go to your room now"

"WAIT" the redhead latched on to bakugos arm

Katsuki grew even more pissed then he was before by the sudden touch and yanked his arm away

"WHAT" bakugo said in a menacing tone
Kiri was unfazed by this but the words he wanted to say got knotted in his throat.

Kirishima whispered eyes glued to the ground

With that bakugo marched back to his room getting ready for the next day
A/N so this is my first story on here and i hope whoever reads this enjoys it!!

~ 1269 words

-weebyxbish out

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