9- the next day continued

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(My school bro 😩)

With dekusquad 2.0 •
-this is happening whilst the class have just left to get lunch-

(Bakugo, Mido, monoma, todo+shin)

The group had just arrived at the private gardens.

And they all sat down in a circle Deku on bakugos lap

Deku (who couldn't contain himself) already began to dig into his lunch which was leftover katsudon from the previous night.

"Your such a pig"
Todoroki said watching midoriya stuff his face

Midoriya just continued to stuff his face while glaring at his cousin.

"Don't say that about my lil izu"
Bakugo said flipping off todoroki and hugging midoriya close to him

Shinso turned to bakugo with a disgusted look "eww don't say that he literally has a six-pack"

"Shut the fuck up he's just defined so it looks like he has a 6 pack but he doesn't, I would know."
Bakugo said glaring at shinso

"Eww, You're just in denial" shinso retorted rolling his eyes at the blonde.

"Soo what are we having for lunch?" Monoma asked

"You didn't bring food" Todoroki questioned


"Neito we said in the WhatsApp group chat to pack lunch " Midoriya said deadpanning at his friend

"What group chat?"





"guys how about instead of shouting just check your phones alright"

"Oh that's smart Hito" Deku said smiling wildly at him

"Pull it out then neito~Kunn let's see whose the liar"

"Whatever you dumb broccoli" monoma replied pulling out his phone.
He clicked onto WhatsApp his face immediately flushing red with embarrassment when he realised he had in fact been added to a group chat in which he had been speaking on.

"Hmm, your face tells me I am right..?" Deku says

"Shut up idiot"

"Anyways I'm sure kacchan wouldn't mind sharing his lunch with you~ right kacchan"

"WHAT fuck n-"
"Fine But you owe me "

"Hmmm thanks, baby"

Bakugo just sighed in acknowledgement and rest his head on dekus shoulder.

"Aww thanks, blasty your such a good dog" monoma said with the most sarcasm ever

Bakugo only grunted in response

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