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@Priyanshi75 requested a scene related to Shanta (the older sister of Ram and his brothers) so that's why I am doing this flashback. 



In this chapter, Ram finds out about Shanta being his older sister and his birth. To find out the rest you must read on.

(The story begins here)

"Ram, can you and your brothers come to meet me after today's lessons and lunch," Vashisht says to Ram

"Ji Gurudev," Ram replies and goes to his brothers to tell them what the maharishi just told him.

The four brothers train the entire day and eagerly wait for after lunch. The four boys quickly finish eating lunch and run off to their guru.

"What is it Gurudev. You called me and my brothers earlier in the day," Ram asks his guru

"Ram I just wanted to let you know that you will be leaving in a month's time to go back to Ayodhya. You boys have finished your education," Maharishi Vashisht replies.

All four of the boys are super excited. For the last month of their education they put in all of their efforts, and they are known as the best students in the entire Gurukul.

Just as maharishi Vashisht said after the one month passed the four brothers returned to Ayodhya. The three queens were running around making sure that everything is perfect. Dashrath was just looking at the city and how beautifully it was decorated.

After 1 hour the preparations are finished and the drums signal to the royal family that their sons along with maharishi Vashisht have arrived. The four adults wait at the top of the stairs. In the first chariot, it is maharishi Vashisht. In the second it was Ram and Lakshman. In the third, it was Shatrughan and Bharat.

Sumitra says looking at the four sons "Didi look at our sons, they've grown so much. I just remember when they were just 4 and when their laughter filled the corridors."

The other two queens nod while looking at their sons.

"It must be our Shatru and Bharat in the last chariot. God knows how Bharat is able to endure the hyperactive brother of his," Kaikeyi says observing the last chariot

"Of course, Kaikeyi. And in the second is our Ram and Lakshman. Ram looks so calm like always. And look at Lakshman and how his eyes soften only when they fall on Ram," Kaushalya says

After a minute the chariots arrive at the bottom of the stairs. The four adults climb down and they get blessings from maharishi Vashisht. All four brothers run-up to their parents demanding attention.

After breaking away from the group hug Sumitra "I guess we were wrong didi our boys didn't grow up a bit they are still like the boys that left 10 years ago."

After a while, the boys got ready and returned to their parents' rooms and told them stories of when they were in school and what kinds of things they did while they were there. All four parents listen fondly while feeding the boys their favourite dishes.

Once they finished spending time with their parents the boys were shown their rooms.

Once Shatrughan goes into his room he immediately walks out and goes into Bharat's and says "Bhaiya I don't like my room can I stay with you."

Bharat nods and Shatrughan is very happy. Meanwhile, a similar thing is happening in Ram's room. Soon all the boys get bored while sitting around, so they decide, to go to the Garden for a while.

(The next day)

Ram goes into Kaushalya's room so he can talk to her for a while as he missed talking to her.

"Ma, can we please talk for a while. I miss talking to you," Ram says sitting near his mother's feet

"Ram, whenever you want to talk to me. I will always be here till the end of my life. I can promise you that," Kaushalya says smiling at her son's innocence

Ram smiles and says before he left to find his three brothers "Laksh, Bharat and Shatru must be looking for me. I will come to talk to later ma."

While walking out of his room, Ram sees a golden model of a baby in Kaushalya's bed. At first, Ram thought nothing of it and left. After a while when Kaushalya was not in her room, Ram comes and sits at one of the many chairs that were present. While there he notices the gold statue of a baby, on his mother's bed. He picks it up and notices all of the small details.

Soon his mother walks in, and Ram stands up and says "Ma, who is this? Why do you have a statue of this person in your room?"

"Ram this is not the best time to tell you. Let me speak with your father once and then we will tell you and your brothers the truth," Kaushalya says with tears in her eyes

"Ma, I'm old enough to take it. Please tell me," Ram says with a pleading look in his eyes

Kaushalya tells him the full story. And Ram cannot believe it. Ram decides to surprise his mother so he goes to talk to his father. After getting permission from his father, he goes to his younger brothers and tells them about what he just learnt.

(The next day)

The four brothers along with Kaushalya go to Shanta's hut. Kaushalya seeing where they are doesn't want to go any further. Ram goes forward to the hut and asks for water for Kaushalya. Shanta comes out quickly to help Kaushalya, but upon seeing her mother she hugs her. She then goes to her brothers and then guesses their names and she gets all of them correct.

Walking up to Shatrughan she says "you look exactly like Sumitra Ma you must be Shatrughan right?"

Shatrughan nods happily that his sister recognised him.

Shanta then walks to Bharat and says "I can see that you have Kaikeyi ma's knowledge. You must be Bharat."

Bharat nods smiling but Lakshman had a frown on his face.

Walking in front of Lakshman Shanta says with a small smile on her face "if you have anger on the tip of your nose you must be Lakshman right?"

"is that all you heard about me didi?" Lakshman says with a pout on his face.

Shanta just laughs and then goes in front of Ram and says "with a serene smile on his face you, you must be Ram. Right?"

Ram nods and the four brothers hug their sister.

After guessing who's who she takes them inside and then feeds them a nice meal and then they are on their way back home. 

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