Sneaking in Windows

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Chuuya stumbles through the window, his skirt catching on a splintered piece of the wooden windowsill.

Shit, he mutters under his breath, yanking the fabric free.

Somewhere within the dark room he hears Dazai laugh.

"Shut up, bastard," Chuuya whisper-shouts, discarding his coat, shoes, and hat on the ground.

As he heads into the room he can see Dazai propped up in bed with a book open in his lap, his white button-up glowing in the moonlight.

"That was quite the entrance, malady," Dazai smiles, closing the book and leaning forward to greet Chuuya with a kiss on the cheek as the redhead flops onto the bed beside him.

"Hey, I agreed to disguise myself as a woman when I sneak over because you wouldn't let me come over otherwise, that does not mean I consent to being called weird pet names," Chuuya says, trying half-heartedly to dodge Dazai's kiss.

"You don't seem to mind my other pet names for you."

The smugness in his voice pisses Chuuya off, but he isn't wrong.

Chuuya grumbles under his breath, staring up at the low ceiling of Dazai's new apartment. It isn't horrible but it definitely isn't as nice as the one they'd shared. On the far end of town, it's in what Dazai refers to as a 'vintage' building, but Chuuya thinks that that is just another word for old. It'd look somewhat better if Dazai had accepted his offer to take some of their furniture, but Dazai had refused, saying Mori might notice if he ever showed up at the apartment.

He had a point. Mori had questioned Chuuya; well, questioned would be putting it lightly. It was interrogation really, though not as violent as Chuuya had anticipated--nothing he couldn't handle. And Dazai's little bomb trick seemed to have worked, Mori didn't seem that suspicious of Chuuya aiding in his partner's escape. For the first week or so he'd sent some men to tail him, as if Chuuya wouldn't notice that, but it had been over a month now and the tailing had ended and so had the questions.

Dazai had joined a new agency last week, though he wouldn't tell Chuuya its name or any information about it at all which had led to some minor arguments because Dazai had managed to wiggle Port Mafia information out of Chuuya several times, so the scale was hardly balanced.

Anyway, Dazai's new apartment is in desperate need of furniture, especially a bed frame.

"How's living with Akutagawa?" Dazai asks.

Chuuya flinches reflexively. "Awkward. He doesn't say anything. I think he's depressed that you're gone. It's like you're his god or something."

"I am god-like," Dazai grins, rolling over and wrapping Chuuya in his arms.

Chuuya scuffs. "Complex much?"

"Maybe you should bake him some of your banana bread, that might cheer him up."

"Yeah, I tried that, didn't work," Chuuya shrugs. Honestly, it is awkward and concerning seeing Akutagawa in his current state, Chuuya worries.

"You did?" Something in Dazai's voice changes and he loosens his grip around Chuuya.

"Yeah," Chuuya shrugs again.

"You can't bake for him, Chuuya," Dazai says firmly.

Chuuya sits up, turning to his ex-partner in confusion.

"Are you mad?"

"Do you also watch movies together and make him coffee in the morning?"


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