A few people looked toward her and she pretended to be drunk.

"If he sees us coming that won't be a problem," Sam pointed out with an edge to his voice. "He kind of hates us."

A few distant shouts rang through the air followed by honking. Rayna turned to look down the road but couldn't see anything.

"Sam.." Steve ordered. "See that garbage truck? Tag it."

A small triangular drone flew over Rayna's head. She smiled to herself at Sam's new tech he made.

"That truck's loaded for max weight," he informed them. "And the driver's armed."

"It's a battering ram," Nat said.

"Go now," Steve ordered.

Rayna jerked, her half-eaten sandwich hanging out of her mouth.

"What?" Wanda shared her concern.

"I'm not finished with my sandwich!" Rayna complained, causing several more people to turn toward them. She smiled at them and exclaimed in an overly excited voice, "hi!!"

Nat shook her head.

  "Harper, what we discussed." Steve's voice was serious and tense. "He's not hitting the police."

  Wanda and Nat rose from their seats casually, but their movements were hurried. Sam flew overhead, heading toward a large building where the truck was going.

Rayna took one last bite of her sandwich before leaping into action. She passed her teammates, strutting quickly down the sidewalk.

The commotion was coming from a large building where a truck was driving full speed toward it.
She didn't know how long she was supposed to stay undercover, because her mind was urging her to fly and stop that truck.

Rayna flung her glasses off and watched them fall to the ground.

Whoever finds that is a lucky person. Free souvenir of Electrica.

Her Hogwarts baseball cap also came off and she threw it into the street for someone to grab.

Rayna watched as the truck increasingly gained speed and was about to hit the building. The sign was now in view, and it read: Institute for Infectious Diseases


"Cap, can I engage the truck?" Rayna asked impatiently.

"No. Stay down. Let Rumlow think he's in control," came Steve's hurried reply.

She groaned as she saw people running out of the way of the truck that was about to smash into the barrier, knowing she could stop it.
  Rayna picked up her pace, now jogging as if she were going for a run.
The concrete wall that served as the building perimeter was broken and fell down onto the road.

Almost immediately, two yellow moving trucks arrived and drove into the parking lot. Many armed men came out, firing rapidly and running into a formation.

Muttering to herself in impatience, Rayna began sprinting toward the men. She wanted to use her powers so desperately and stop the whole attack, but orders came first.
  They shot what seemed to be large grenades through the windows of the building, but nothing exploded. Instead, clouds of green-tinted gas began to fill the inside.

Several men marched into the building and Rayna caught a glimpse of their masks.

They're poisoning the people inside...

A familiar shield flung through the air followed by Steve charging toward a group of men, knocking out all of them. Rayna took that as her cue to engage and began propelling herself forward with energy.

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