Snow Stained Red

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Beeduo really needs to stop taunting us with the meetup 🙄🤚

A snowy winter night.

Tubbo was at Ranboo's.. house, with Micheal in his arms, body curled protectively around the sleeping piglin.
He couldn't sleep.

It was dark, and cold, and quiet.

Under normal circumstances, Tubbo would be out like a light.
Would've loved cuddling up under a big warm blanket, sleeping way too far into morning, only to be roused at around three pm. Normal.

But then again, nothing was quite normal anymore.

Anxieties filled his stomach.
Every time that he thought of him now, all he could see was the crumpled, singed body in the snow.
And blood. So much blood.

Tubbo had tried... so hard, to reclaim the warm memories he had before.
Cooking in the kitchen, putting Micheal to bed, strumming a golden ukulele in a field of pink tulips his platonic husband had planted himself.

Memories once soaked in honey, were now stained red.

So, instead of reminiscing, he had condemned himself to routine.
It had always worked in the Marburg era, so why wouldn't it work now?

He slept as much as possible, made meals two times a day, and took himself and Micheal over to Phil's for a warm dinner and a few lessons by the fire, only to return to a peaceful slumber.
But no matter how much he slept, he was still tired.

Exhaustion pulled at his mind, trying to coax him into sleep, but he couldn't. Something was going on outside.



Tommy screamed from behind the wall that was Technoblade, trying to look around his sides to Ranboo's house. He had tried to jump the fence earlier, only to face a very pissed, very sleep deprived Techno, who had immediately drawn his trident.

Techno growled deep in his throat. "Tommy, you aren't supposed to be here-"

Techno looked offended, if only for a second. "Tommy-"
Tommy threw back his head and wailed. "PHILLLLLLLLLLLLL-"

The giant pig hybrid sighed. "Tommy, cmon. You're gonna wake everyone here. Couldn't ya just leave..?"

Tommy stared back incredulously, opening his mouth to scream again-, but Phil was already here to answer, clothed in only his pajamas.

"Shit it's freezing out here... Mate, what the fuck is going on??"

Tommy wormed his way past Techno, who huffed angrily. "Phil, I need to see Tubbo-, it's important!"

"Didn't you just see him yesterday?"
Techno raised his eyebrows at Phil, but Phil just waved him off. It would be a problem for later. "Why do you need to see him Tommy?"

Tommy groaned, pulling a hand down his face. "I don't know how to explain it... It's just- I feel like he's in danger. Call it instinct, something like that, whatever. But he's in danger, him and Micheal. I know that."

Phil raised an eyebrow. "Did you... see him..?"

"No. But-"
Tommy stopped to look over the white fields of snow, taking in the speck of purple and black in the distance that was the nether portal. He returned to Phil, eyes cloudy with something indescribable.

"I think I will."

Phil's eyes widened in horror, and he immediately looked to Technoblade.
"Get Tubbo and Micheal, now."
Something about the look in Tommy's eyes had shaken him to the core.

Techno's frown only deepened. "How do we not know he isn't lying? Or making it up? It's probably just nerves, Phil-"
Phil shook his head.

"Somethings wrong. I feel it too."

Techno raised an eyebrow, asking silently.
Phil smiled. "You have my word."

The hybrid nodded. He may have not liked disturbing everyone at this hour, but Phil was almost always right.
Especially when his word was on the line.

Off to fetch Tubbo he went.

Phil put his hand on Tommy's shoulder. "Are you absolutely sure...? Is he.. coming?"
The blonde looked unfocused, an incredibly strange expression on his face. His eyebrows scrunched together.

The blonde's eyes went wide and he turned to face Phil, terrified.
"He's already here."


Techno had started off trudging through the snow, almost reluctant to wake Tubbo.
He still didn't like the boy too much, but he needed sleep.

For Micheal.

And Tommy. He wasn't even quite sure that he.. actually knew what he was saying anymore. For gods sakes, Tommy had apologized, and everyone on the server you asked could tell you that he never did that.
It was.. abnormal to say the least.

He never thought little Theseus would mature...

But then again, as he thought back...

Tommy fell over the fence, tripping over his own two feet as he tried to jump the fence. His shoes crunched in the snow, immediately alerting a very, very pissed off Technoblade.
He drew his trident with a flourish.
"Tommy. What are you doing here..?"

The blonde froze like a deer in headlights, but quickly, he shook it off. He stuck out his tongue.
"Wouldn't you like to know, bitch!"

Now that he thought about it, there was no way Tommy was suddenly mature now. Something had just shaken him.

The hybrid turned his attention to the task at hand. If Phil said something was amiss, something was, it was simple fact at this point.
Sure, he may have been a senile old man, but he was always right.

It was the only thing that made him keep trudging his way through the snow to Tubbo's new residence.
Phil's word.

But, as he kept walking, something... made him go faster.

Maybe Tommy was getting to him... but mid-way through the snow he started jogging.
Then running.
Then sprinting.

Phil was never wrong, after all.

945 words

Ok ok ok ok I'm sorry for not updating, I'm doing finals right now, so expect the next update to be a little late. I may have a terrible upload schedule, but I promise I will finish this.

(Maybe even rewrite the whole thing later if I have more time.)

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