The first thing everyone noticed, was that it was massive.

The deck was covered in guns. The four main guns looked like they could punch through anything the Kansen currently had!

But the thing that  really caught their attention, was the massive number of AA guns. They were almost everywhere on the ship. Such as on the guns, by the bridge, there was even AA guns by the flag!

Speaking of flags, there was one flag he had that put everyone's concerns about him to rest.

That flag being the flag of the United Nations. That meant that he was an ally through and through.

Once they debriefed everyone, they decided to set sail. Their destination? IronBlood's home port!

Time Skip. (Got lazy here and didn't know what to put for a fight scene, so just use your imagination to make an epic fight.)

Once the combined fleets arrived, they were quickly noticed.

IronBlood ships came over to fight them, but were decimated by the carriers in the fleet. Anything that got within Kaiser's range was swiftly dealt with by a barrage from his main guns.

IronBlood never stood a chance, what with the large number of Destroyers and Cruisers that they had. Not to mention the Carriers and battleships. Two of which were some of the strongest battleships to ever be summoned.

In a matter of a few hours, they quickly defeated IronBlood and rounded up the survivors and took them prisoner. Their only challenge was the H-class ship, Friedrich der Grosse, who was beaten by Kaiser. It was a tough battle, and the only reason why it took a few hours.

Kaiser looked around at the captured Kansen and smiled.

"You brought this upon yourselves." He told them. They just glared at him.

"The Sirens are meant to be our enemy! Not our friends! You are traitors to humanity. As your new leader, you are hereby stripped of your riggings and will be placed in secure cells until we deem you fit to return to active duty." He said.

The IronBlood girls shouted in disbelief and anger. How dare he! And that traitor Bismarck.

"Do not make me scrap you and resummon you." He told them.

They quieted down quickly. That was not something that they wanted to happen. Apparently, you could lose memories if that happens to you, and they would rather keep the memories that currently have.

One of the IronBlood girls, Prinz Eugen, immediately tried to seduce him to get out of being sent to a cell.

One of the IronBlood girls, Prinz Eugen, immediately tried to seduce him to get out of being sent to a cell

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