Chapter 1

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Everything was quite. Caroline lay on her bed reading a book. It was very piece full, although Caroline never enjoyed the silence. She put down her book and looked at her self in the mirror. Her long black hair was all knotted and tangled. She went to grab a hairbrush when her blue eyes saw something outside her window. It was a owl

The owl sat on the windowsill outside her window. It was brown and had large eyes that stared at the girl. She stared back in confusion. The owl carried something in its mouth. A letter. The letter caught the girls eye. She went to open the window when her mother called her.


Caroline usually loved presents, but not Aunt Elizabeth's presents. She usually received itchy sweaters and gloves from her aunt. The only thing she enjoyed was the £30 in the card.

"coming mum!" Caroline shouted

When the young girl looked to the window the owl was gone. But the letter was in the windowsill. Caroline went to grab the letter. It was very fancy and tidy.

"Who could this possibly be from?" The girl thought to herself.

She was ready to open it when she heard her mother call her name once again, but this time more demanding. Caroline left the letter on her bed and ran down the stairs.

As she made her way to the kitchen, she couldn't help but wonder about the letter. The owl. It was all so strange. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that an Owl was sitting on her windowsill, holding a letter for her at 4:53 pm. It didn't make any sense.

"Well... open your present!" Caroline's mother insisted.

"We all know what's going to be in there already" Caroline's brother, Cody, said.

"Manners Cody. Your aunt spends her time and effort into making ye these...these... lovely sweaters." Their Father said while reading the newspaper.

Her mother was short and tanned with short brown hair. While her father was tall, a bit round and had black hair. Her father wore tine little reading glasses. Caroline and Cody always found his glasses funny, especially when they were children.

Cody and Caroline were close in age. Cody was just turned 14. He was tall with black hair also. He had blue eyes, identical to his sisters. Many people praised how beautiful their eye's were.

Caroline opened the gift, and who would've guessed, it was a maroon itchy icky looking sweater. Cody smirked and let out a laugh when he saw it.

"That's...that's... lovely dear" Caroline's father, Micheal, said confused and looking for words to describe the sweater in a nice way, he lied with the word "lovely".

"Ok well tell her I said thanks. I'm going back to my room" Caroline explained.

"Hold on, not so fast! Why the rush?" Her mother, Linda, questioned.

"Oooooo she's probably hiding a boy up in her room" Cody said in an immature, jokey way.

"Shut up worm head" Caroline spat back at her brother.


"Mum! He started it!"

"Now I don't care who started it, but you are older and should be more mature than that! Go upstairs."

"Fine!" Caroline was glad she was tolled to go to her room because she was very interested in the letter. She looked behind her to see Cody giving her a little "haha" look. She rolled her eyes and made her way to her bedroom.

Finally, she could open the letter! She reached out for it . She was shaking, she didn't know why. She opened the wax seal and pulled out the letter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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