New powers new eyes...

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Kakayu (pov)

I sighed and watch as dad and Naruto speak.

"Alright Naruto we're going to start secondly with the water fall." He said.

"What are we gonna do with the water fall?"

I sweat drop.

"Naruto you're gonna part it..." dad said.

"Of course...I knew that!!" Naruto to said with his grin.

I sighed again... then dad looked at me.

"Kakayu...maybe it would be better if you leave, looks like you dont want to be here at the moment.." dad said.

I nodded and got up.

"Sorry for making you come out here..." dad said.

"It okay...bye" I left and headed back into Konoha.

I spotted Hinata, Kiba and Shino.

"Hey Hinata, Kiba, Shino!!!" I shouted andvthey all turned to me.

I ran up to them.

"K-kakayu-chan" "Kakayu" "....."

They said.

Akamaru barked as I pet him.

"Where are you guys off to?" I asked.

"Just doing some run around work for Kurenai sensei."

They said. "Can I help out?"

I asked. "Sure.." they said.


We were walking around the village with bags that had things for Kurenai sensei.

"Um guys dont you think Kurenai sensei is...." I paused in my sentence. "Is what...?" Hinata asked. "Pregnant...." I said. "Its obvious she is I mean...have you seen that stomach of hers?"

Kiba said.

I shrugged.

We reached at her door and knocked on it. She opened the door and welcome us in.

We walked in and put the stuffs down.

"Please sit if you guys like..." Kurenai said. We did as she told.

"So Kurenai happy for you. " I said.

She smiled. "Thank you Kakayu."

".....I- I hope everything works out with you and Asuma sensei."

I sat next to Kurenai sensei and touched her shoulder.

All of a sudden a vision showed about the future...


I stood up.

"Is everything okay Kakayu..?" Kurenai and the others asked.

My eyes started to felt like they were burning.

I screamed out in pain and drop to my knees. "Kakayu your eyes!!" Everyone one shouted.

I felt numb I couldn't move.

Suddenly I collapsed.




I woke up....I opened my eyes but couldn't see.

It felt like I was in a bed.

I moved my hands around. "I-is anyone there?"I asked.

"You're finally awake!" I heard dads voice. "Why can't I see...?" I asked. "Dont worry...your eyes are bandaged up..." he said.

"Tell me how this happened."

He said.

"I-i had a vision when I touched Kurenai's shoulder..." I said.

"Then all of a sudden my eyes felt like they were burning." I said.

"What was the vision?" He asked.

"It was the future....Asuma sensei...dies...I didnt see who killed him it didn't show who."

Dad didnt answer back. They door then opened.

"Okay Kakayu Hatake you're awake. Im gonna remove your bandages now then Lady Tsunade will come see you."

I nodded.

He started to unwrap the bandages.

"Alright I want you to open your eyes" he said.

I opened my eyes and heard gasps.

"What is something wrong!" I asked.

"Can you see?" He asked. "Of course I can see whats wrong?!" I asked.

"Your eyes there....fully black." Dad said.

"What!!! No no no no no!!!" I shouted. "Calm down Kakayu..." dad played with the palm of my had and I calmed down quickly.

The door opened and in came Tsunade. "Kakayu since you're awake I would need to speak with you alone."

She said. I nodded.

Dad and the Doctor left.

"Okay well i see your eye colour changed...they're no longer grey. No white is seen either. " she said.

"I did some research about what happened. You can now see the future just by contact with someone or something."

"The first time you felt pain but the second time I doubt it."

"You have it as a new power now. Be careful when your on missions."

I nodded.

"You are able to leave soon."

She said. And then walked out. 

I got off the bed and put on my clothes.

The doctor then entered the room and told me i can leave.

I got off the bed and went on my way.  I walked out the room and saw Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Kurenai, Hinata, Kiba, Shino and dad.

They all gasped when they saw my eyes. Naruto was freaking out.

"Calm down Naruto I can see....I will be living with these eyes for now on." I said walking past them upset.

"Kakayu wa-" "I think you should give her space Naruto."dad said.

Kakashi's daughter, Hidan's loverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora