"Babe listen to me," Jay said, turning to her and speaking in a soothing tone, "it will be fine. It's just a meal then we'll leave and I'll make you a hot chocolate."

She felt somewhat calmer after hearing that, even managing a smile at the joke about the drink she was addicted to. After giving him a grateful kiss they exited the car at which Riley grasped Jay's hand with both of hers trying not to squeeze so hard that his circulation stopped. It was close though.

Ding! Dong!

The doorbell still sounded the same, as clear as before due to lack of use. The Fawkes weren't a very popular family for social consideration however in business they were near the top of the top. Father's plans executed by Mother. A hard duo to beat and not exactly people that sprang to mind when thinking of an enjoyable get together. If it was a crowded social event they were meeting up at then Riley would have felt a little more at ease, the excuse of being lost in the throng of people on the tip of her tongue. However, she was in Fawkes territory now which meant the couple were screwed.

The weathered door opened.

"Good evening Riley," greeted her mother with a thin attempt at a smile. "This must be your fiancé."

"And you must be Riley's mom, Rhonda," stated Jay in a chirpy voice with a warm smile.

She barely covered her sneer as she took in the duo's clothes, tattoos and piercings. They both had black jeans and converse though Riley opted for a plain dark red shirt and grey hoodie while Jay had his trademark blue open over shirt and a white t-shirt. He also had his leather jacket with the grey hoodie and if one looked to the road they would see a rental car that looked exactly like the ones that 'goons' and 'boy racers' favoured. Fast and cheap. Much like Riley's cousin who was leaning 'seductively' against the hallway wall behind the formidable looking Mrs Fawkes.

It was obvious who did and didn't like the future family member.

"Wipe your feet when you come in," said Mum in a tone that was clearly demand not request. "I'd rather you not bring filth and trash into my house though in some cases it can't be helped."

Riley, who was used to the backhanded comments like the one just directed at her partner, watched Jay's eyes go blank in anger and the smile still holding its brilliance yet none of its warmth.

"But you let Tracey in though," she said to her mum.

Riley got two sets of glares and a well covered laugh.

'Wow Lee wasn't kidding,' he thought giving her a sidelong glance as they methodically sandpapered their soles on the prickly doormat. Glancing down he noticed with an ironic smirk that the 'O' in 'HELLO' had been worn off by the years of obsessive shoe wiping. 'Usually I'm not quick to agree with a negative opinion but the mat might have a point here.'

After passing an inspection Mrs Fawkes walked down the hallway presumably to the living room to lead them to Dad. Meanwhile Riley's cousin, who had been eye raping Jay since the door opened, peeled herself off the wall and slinked up next to him.

"Hi," she purred resting a hand on his arm. "I'm Tracey but you can call me anything you want."

Riley gagged and Jay somehow managed to avoid the lips advancing quickly towards his face. He ducked around Riley so she was in between the two of them, he thinking that her violent reflexes would stop any further attacks while she was happy to oblige. Tracey meanwhile gave him a suggestive look like he was trying to play hard to get and her face clearly said challenge accepted as she flipped her long dyed black hair over her shoulder. He shuddered.

"Children, stop loitering in the hallway and come through please," came the hard voice of Mrs Fawkes. "Dinner will be on the table soon and I will not have my day's work wasted."

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