Grocery Store Tantrum

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"Come on, the quicker we do this the quicker we can get home" he said in a bid to get me to move. Ha, that's rich coming from someone who was just talking about football for half an hour.

"I wanna play out there" I complained "I'm not doing stupid grocery shopping" I declared,

"I'm not arguing with you about this Gracelyn, let's go" he said as he indicated for me to leave. It was clear that Jay wasn't gonna back down so I decided to take matters in to my own hands. Without a second thought I took off down the aisle and began to run towards the exit where the play area was. I didn't get very far however as before I reached my target I felt an arm wrap around my waist and lift me off the floor followed but two sharp smacks on my slightly upturned bottom causing tears to sting my eyes. Jay carried me back over to the shopping cart before firmly putting me in the seat causing me to whine,

"I don't wanna sit in here" I whined as I tried to push my self out,

"Well you are" Jay said firmly as he pushed me back down "if you can't be trusted to do as your told then you're gonna stay in there" he informed as I sobbed loudly,

"No, I wanna get out" I demanded as I kicked my legs forward "I don't want you I want Will" I sobbed as Jay quirked an eyebrow at my comment,

"Oh yeah, you wanna call him and see what he thinks of this behaviour?" He challenged and my frown faltered slightly, one thing Will doesn't put up with is tantrums, especially in public. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he would've taken me straight home, "that's what I thought, now, are you gonna stop acting like a baby so we can get on with what we need to do?" He asked and my frown returned and my previous thoughts left my head,

"No, I don't wanna be here and I don't wanna sit in this stupid cart" I declared as I threw my hand forward in an attempt to hit my brother but he caught my hand in his,

"Ey, absolutely not" he said as he pointed at me "this stops right now Gracelyn do you understand me? This is not acceptable behaviour and you're not gonna get what you want by acting this way, so if you wanna sit comfy in there then I suggest you pack it in" he demanded and I swallowed down my sobs and stayed silent "you're getting a timeout when we get home" he informed as he continued his way around the store.

I sat silently crying all the way around the store until we eventually finished and went back to the truck,

"Don't move" Jay warned as he strapped me in to my carseat before loading the shopping in to the trunk.

The drive home was silent apart from the radio that was turned on a low volume. Jay parked up and left the groceries in the trunk as we walked in to our building and up the stairs to our apartment,

"Hey guys" Will greeted "did you have fun at the store Gracie?" He asked me but I shook my head silently,

"Gracie's going for a timeout" Jay informed as he pointed to a corner urging me to do as he asked,

"I don't want a timeout" I stomped,

"Oh you'll be getting more than a timeout in a minute if you don't do as you're told" Jay threatened. I thought about my next move before deciding to just accept my fate and stomp off to the corner "5 minutes Gracie" Jay announced "I'd think about getting rid of that attitude whilst your there if I where you" he recommended.

I stayed in the corner for five minutes but my mood didn't change in that time,

"Have you changed your attitude now Gracie?" Jay asked me and I huffed in annoyance,

"I don't wanna stand here anymore" I demanded with a stomp of my foot,

"Really, because if you don't change your behaviour your gonna be there a long time" he replied simply but I only shook my head in defiance,

"Nuhuh, I'm not standing here anymore" I informed defiantly as I turned around with the intention of walking to the sofa,

"I swear Gracelyn, if you so much as step out of that corner you're gonna be in trouble" Will spoke up from his place at the table where he had previously watching on silently. I stood still for a minute to think about what my next move would be. On one hand Will had a very stern expression written across his face, but on the other hand I really don't want to stand in this stupid corner anymore! With my decision made I quickly made a run for my bedroom, slipping slightly on the floor from my tights. I made it successfully in to my bedroom and crawled under my bed before Will came in to my room,

"Gracelyn get out here" he demanded but I remained still,

"No, you're gonna smack my butt" I replied and I heard Will click his tongue,

"Get out" he said once again but I remained still "now Gracelyn" he said firmly but I didn't say anything "fine have it your way" he sighed "I'll just leave you under there with all the monsters and go back to the kitchen" he said causing my eyes to widen like saucers,

"No Will" I cried "you can't leave me with the monsters" I sobbed causing his footsteps to stop,

"I'm not standing here all day Gracie so unless you're gonna get out here I'm leaving" he declared "are you gonna come out?" He asked matter of factly,

"No" I shouted and Will left my room and left me with the monsters under my bed. I screamed in a hope that he would come back here because if I get out from under here he's gonna spank me for leaving timeout without permission. I moved closer to the edge of the bed and further away from the monsters and continued my screaming fit with tears falling fast down my cheeks. My door suddenly opened and Will reappeared with a determined look on his face. I attempted to push myself further under my bed but I was unsuccessful as I felt his hand grab my ankle and firmly pull me from my hiding place. I squealed in protest when he lifted me off the floor and held me so he could land a series of sharp smacks to my now upturned bottom causing all of my anger to disappear and turn in to sadness as I felt the heat from my undoubtedly red butt, "are you ready to listen now?" He asked as he held me firmly by the arm, I nodded sadly and I sniffed up some tears "now you're gonna go out there and stand in timeout like Jay told you to before, do you understand me?" He asked and I nodded sadly once again,

"Yes sir" I whimpered as he led me back out of my bedroom and over to the corner I had previously occupied and left me there.

I served my time in the corner and my tears subsided in to hiccups,

"Have you calmed down now Gracie?" Will asked me and I nodded "come over here" he instructed as I walked over to him and allowed him to pull me on to his lap "what do you have to say?" He asked expectantly,

"I'm sorry Will" I apologised with a sniff and he nodded,

"That's not an acceptable way to behave Gracelyn and you know that" he lectured "if it happens again you'll be getting more than a few smacks with my hand and it won't wait until you get home, clear?" He asked with a warning tone in his voice,

"Yes Will" I said and he gave me a kiss on the top of my head "I'm really sorry" I said once again,

"I know baby" he comforted "but you need to say that to Jay as well" he instructed and I nodded as I slip off his lap "why don't you go see him? I think he's in his room" he suggested and I nodded as I made my way to Jays room.

I hesitantly knocked on his door and walked in when he replied,

"I'm really sorry Jay" I said sheepishly and he smiled slightly and gestured for me to come over to him. I climbed up on to his bed and rested my head on his chest feeling his kiss my hair,

"No more behaving like that Gracie, I mean it" he warned and I nodded as his arm around he tightened "what are we gonna do with you huh?" He asked and I shrugged.

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