Chapter 1

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A few years have passed and Y/N mastered the ability to use his vision. Y/N was a catalyst user, but he didn't need a catalyst to attack.

Y/N became close friends with the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Hu Tao. Y/N and Zhongli, the consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor could not stand Hu Tao.

Y/N also became friends with Xingqiu and Chongyun. The three of them would sometimes eat together at Wanmin Restaurant with Xinyan while Xiangling cooks.

Right now, Y/N attending the Rite of Decension as a milelith team captain and he was standing at a corner. He noticed a girl with weird clothing and a floating doll that the girl kept as a companion.

The Rite of Decension finally begins and Ningguang looks at the sun before looking at the people who's attending.

"The hour is upon us." Ningguang said

Ningguang's two assistants bows at her and Geo elements started circling around Ningguang before she sends it at the pot in the middle where they spin. The pot creates a huge beam of yellow light, but the sky suddenly turns black.

"Hm?" Y/N looked at something falling from above

Suddenly, a Rex Lapis fell from the sky as a dragon and crashed on the pot. Ningguang ran to Rex Lapis and stared at it for a moment while the crowd started whispering at each other.

"Rex Lapis has been killed! Seal the exits!" Ningguang said

Y/N and the other mileliths circled around the crowd and started investigating them.

Y/N turned around for a moment and when he looked at the girl with a floating doll, they disappeared.

"After her!" Y/N commanded the mileliths to chase after the girl

"Yes, sir!" The mileliths replied and chased after the two

Y/N followed after them shortly, but when he arrived, he saw the mileliths lying on the ground in pain.

"Hey, hey, hey. What happened here?" Y/N asked

The next day, Y/N was walking around somewhere near Mt. Tianheng and he saw the Fatui Harbinger Childe.

"If it isn't Y/N." Childe said

"Childe. Are you... connected with the death of Rex Lapis?" Y/N asked

"What? No way. Hahaha. My job here in Liyue is just to collect debts and run a bank. There's no way I'd kill him." Childe laughed

"Like hell I could trust you. The Fatui is known for their bad reputation around Teyvat." Y/N said

"Hey, just because the other Harbingers did bad things, it doesn't mean I also do bad things too." Childe said

"I see. Sorry, I'm just overthinking about who the suspects are lately." Y/N laughed

"No, no, that's alright." Childe laughed

"How about a spar, Y/N? Just to calm your mind. It works with me, but I don't know about you, though." Childe said

"Yeah, sure we can try." Y/N said

Y/N and Childe walked to an open area where they just beat up some Treasure Hoarders. The two of them decided to spar there so that they wouldn't cause too much attention or someone to see them.

"We can start when you're ready." Childe said

"I'm ready." Y/N said

Childe took out his bow and shot three water arrows at Y/N. Y/N swings his hand and froze all of them. Y/N grabbed one of the frozen water arrows and ran at Childe with it.

"Hah. Close range? I like that!" Childe said

Childe pulls out his water daggers and Y/N jumped above Childe and threw the frozen arrow at him. Childe blocked the arrow with his water dagger, but the water dagger froze.

"I see." Childe nodded

Y/N points his finger at Childe and sharp ice rings were sent at Childe. Childe created a water shield, but one of the ice rings froze the shield and the other one shattered it. The two ice rings came back at Y/N and he caught it. Childe shot arrows at Y/N, but the arrows had no effect for Y/N's cryo front shield.

"Tsk!" Childe said

Y/N's shield disappears and he crosses two of his fingers.

"Heh. What's that supposed to do?" Childe asked

Suddenly, multiple ice shards came out of nowhere and shot theirselves at Childe. Childe dodged every single ice shards and was about to slash Y/N with his dagger, but Y/N disappeared in front of Childe and appeared behind him. Y/N raises his palm towards Childe and created a huge ice spike until suddenly, a Fatui agent arrived and stopped both of them in time.

"Lord Childe, the traveler has arrived." The Agent said

"Oh. I'll be there." Childe said and the agent disappeared

"I'll be going now, Y/N. I have to take care of some important matters. See ya." Childe said and he left

"Y/N-kun, are you free?" Ganyu arrived

"Lady Ningguang has invited us to the Jade Chamber." Ganyu said

"Oh, okay. I'll be heading there." Y/N said and Ganyu left

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