Chapter 2

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Levi POV

I went to libary after left my band cuz I wanted find that comic first.Then,I'll spend my time alone.

For now,only me and Erwin know that we all in comic world and I hope Hange also know we're in comic world.Erwin said to me Hange is our close friend and a fact about her from Erwin:she knew me more than anyone else in real world.That make me want to know her but I can't.We'll end up with bad situation because of her damned character.

Why I can't remember everythings like Erwin?He remember everythings happend in real world before we in comic world.Unlike me,I just remember things happend in this comic world.

'I think we'll get out from this comic when this story finish.'That is Erwin opinion he said to me.

The hell,I'm not so patient to wait until this story finish.I don't want be second lead male or main character or others side characters who always got controled by writer unless if I'm a side character like Erwin who didn't get control.I don't want live in this weird story.

"Got you."I whispered as I found the comic.I get down from libary chair that I used to reach the comic from book shelves.I exit school libary with comic in my hand.I saw Eren and Mikasa outside class far from me.With my hands reflex,I open comic in my hand,I saw faint of drawing and dialogue in new page.Drawing and dialogue will become clear after the scence finish.I can't saw what will happen in future with this comic but I can see what happen when I not at 'stage'.

" 'Wa-wanna ha-hangout?' "I tried to read Eren faint dialogue in the comic.

" 'Don't wo-worry.Levi a-and others wi-will hang-hangout with u-us."I continued read Eren dialogue.Great.Now I'll hangout forcefully.I close comic in my hands and continue walking.What a coincidence,I saw Erwin.

"Oi,eyebrow!"I called him.I saw him with someone,a brunette with messy ponytail and wear glasses.Ah!It's Hange.I approaching Hange and Erwin,I stand beside my friend and front her.My cold grey-blue eyes stares toward Hange.She seem confused,sweat dripping over her face and her chest up and down trying to get air.

"Hange,calm down.It normal."Erwin trying make Hange calm.

"How can I calm the fuck down?!"Hange shouted back to Erwin.She make Erwin and me shocked.Damn,her voice so loud.Every students around us staring to her,also me and Erwin.

I tsked.I go away from them to buy a drink to her.Greatfully I found a drink machine nearbly.Then I go back to them after bought a cold drink.

"Oi."I called Hange.She turn her face to me.Her eyes saw drink in my hand,before I could do anything she snatch the drink from my hand and drink it.To be honest,her unexpected act make me pissed off,good thing the drink is for her so I not really pissed off.But if that my drink,I'll kick her into dust bin.

"Make sure you repay back cuz I'm not spending my money to you."I said to her but she don't respone anything as she still drinking.

"What happend?"I asked Erwin in lowered voice.Erwin whisper to me."At last,seems like she realized."

"What?!"It's my turn make Erwin shocked.I look at Hange,she finished drink and she want to open her mouth again.

"Shut up,four-eyes."I said right before she start talking."Here."I give her comic in my hand to her.She look at the comic with confused face.

"Figure out by yourself and understand it."I spoke and walk away from her.Guess today I not gonna read the comic.

Time skip...

Hange POV

I was alone at school libary,reading comic that shorty gave to me.Guess libary the only place anyone didn't bother me to reading.It getting dark soon but I don't even care,I need to figure out strage things I saw today and feel.My eyes glancing again to all the characters in the comic and I also reading again their characters descriptions before move to next step: read this comic.I noticed I ever meet most of them.It kinda not logic but this really happend and I need to accept it.WE'RE IN COMIC!

Eren Yeager
-One of the riches school students.Exchange student.Have crush on Mikasa since first time she help him and meet him.....

He is the pratagonis.

Mikasa Ackerman
-Already taken by Levi Ackerman.She and Levi from same clan,also they know eachother since child.....'s her.

Levi Ackerman
-Is in realtionship with Mikasa Ackerman.Already promised to marry her after they finish high school.....

Yes,that shorty is second lead male.His character....I think a simp.That boring midget so lucky to become an important character.Then there my character,I bet many reader doesn't like my character.

Hange Zoe
-She a trouble student.She.....

Uhhh....I hate my character so I skip it from my reading.I continue read others characters introduction then I start read the comic.I got shocked in every pages I read.To be honest,all the events and accidents really happend!Completely!It impossible if someone wants prank us.

Time passed and passed,I read the comic carefully and combine with my thought to figure out what really happend.In the end this the result and I hoping that my thinking is true.I wrote down on a note my result.

-Everyone in this comic got controlled by this comic writer,especially me and other characters in the comic introduction.

-No one realize they in this world and got controlled except me,Levi and that thick eyebrows.

-When we start do something in comic unwillingly and felt like got controlled that mean we at stage,where our roles in comic appear.No one realize this cuz they not realizing themself.

-When you feel free and can do anything with your willing that mean we outside stage.

-People will always remember 'stage' scenes meanwhile most of 'outside stage' scenes people will not remember.I think I'm gonna name ouside stage as 'shadow'.

Just this information I got now.I will figure out more with Levi and Eyebrows help!I'll ask that Eyebrows name cuz I don't know his name.He still not appear in comic or he will not appear in comic.He also lucky didn't get control by writer.Sighing tiredly,I look at my watch.

"What?!"I screamed in quite libary."It's already 7:08?!"I don't know I spend too much time with this book.I calming myself first.Think about it,that not a problem.First my parents always come home early at midnight and late 2:00 morning.Two,I'm really sure libary door unlocked cuz I believe in this comic world writer didn't care about libary locked or not.Three,if school gate locked I will jump gate.Geez,I'm trouble student of course I know how to jump gate.I put all my stuff into my bag and exit libary.As I expected,libary is unlocked.

I walk to school gate while my eyes on my phone screen,I pass by music room then I hear faint of someone singing.A familiar voice.I steps back to music room and peek at the music room mirror.

I saw Levi singing a song.His eyes on a paper,maybe song lyrics.His voice so angelic.Then I burst into music room without knocking the door and make Levi stop from singing.

"Yo,Levi!"I greeted him happyly but he didn't say anything instead give me emotionless face with his cold eyes.

"Don't give me that look."I said to him.I sit beside him and he open his mouth."What you want,four-eyes?".I gasp."How dare call me like that,shorty!This is second time you call me with that nickname."I said to him.

"What you called me?!"He said angryly to me.

"If you can gave me a nickname,why I can't give you a nickname too?"I said with smirk on my face.He just tsked as his respone.He wanna continue his work but I started conversation about this world make he stop from doing his work.I asked everything I wanted to know and he answered my questions,he also asked me questions and I answered him.

To be continue.....

A/N:Thank you to my readers who voting and give comments to this story.I appreciate it🤗.Sorry if there typos and bad grammars in this chapter.

I was hestitate to publish this chapter but I braved myself and published it.I just don't have confident to publish this chapter,maybe cuz of my mood.

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