Blank Space and Daddy

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"YOU DARE TOUCH A GIRL WITHOUT HER PERMISSION AGAIN AND YOU WON'T HEAR 'DADDY' FROM ANYONE EVER AGAIN." She said loudly and there were many cheers and ooh's from the crowd. She flipped her hair back like a badass and walked towards us.

"Damn girl! That was awesome." Ashley said and hugged her but Claire was shuddering in horror.
"Hey Claire, are you okay?" I asked her in fear. She looked like she was about to throw up and truly enough, she ran outside the bar and threw her guts out. Everyone else came out as well, concern clear in their eyes. When she was done, Emma handed her a bottle of water she bought from the bar and she took a big gulp.
"Hey, it's okay. I am here." I said and she looked at me gratefully. Out of nowhere, she took a step towards me and hugged me. I was surprise for a few seconds and just as she was about to pull away, I hugged her back. They all looked at me as if asking what they should do. I signaled them all to go back in. Emma stood back looking at me and then at Claire and then back at me. I gave her a nod saying she can trust me. She stared at me for a second before going back inside.
"I was so scared Gray. He asked me if I wanted to dance with him and I said yes. I feel stupid Gray." She said and started sobbing. I pulled her back and cupped her cheeks looking at her eyes.
"Hey hey hey! Never blame yourself Claire. That guy was a jerk and asshole and you did good. You taught him a lesson. Claire you are an amazing women. You are strong."
"You are just saying that because you like me." She said and I looked at her in confusion. I never told her I like her. How the fuck did she know? But I let go of that thought. At that point, she needed comfort not interrogation.
"No Claire. I do like you but what I said was irrespective of my feelings for you. You stood up against Mark when he was being a jerk, you stood up to me when I was playing those girls. You punched that guy and I am so happy that you did. I saw how he was treating you and before I could reach you, you already took care of the situation. You are an independent women Olivia and you are a bad ass." I said and she smiled at me.
"No." She said frowning.
"No, you are not badass?" I asked in confusion.
"I am badass but don't call me Olivia. Keep calling me Claire. No one calls me that and I like it. I like how many name sounds when you say it." She said and smiled at me. I felt my heart melting away. It might look like I was holding her in place but she was the one who kept me standing. My legs felt like they will melt at any point. I love the way she smiles at me and I would do anything to keep her smiling. I never want her to feel sad. 
"I won't feel sad now that you are with me." She said. I said it out loud. I blushed and she smiled at me cutely.
"Awww you blushed. You are so cute Gray." She said pinching my cheeks. I blushed even harder and she laughed at me. I didn't want her to take her hands off me. I liked it. 
"Okay, let's go inside now. You friends must be worried." I said after she was done embarrassing. She chuckled and we went in. After like an hour or so, we all were extremely tired from dancing and drinking. Noah took off with Ashley and Mia and Mark took Emma and Sofia home. I helped Claire walk to my car without stumbling and she hiccupped once or twice. She called me cute twice so I am gonna take a limb here and say she was hammered like fuck. I don't know how her mom would react but the last time I talked to her, she seemed pretty cool. I drove slowly to her house and took a long route involving many turns. I was curious and a little hopeful about what drunk Claire might say or confess.

"Are we there yet?" She slurred five seconds after we left the bar.
"Not even close." I said laughing and keeping my eyes on the road.
"How about now?" She said immediately.
"Now?" She asked and I laughed. I would have gotten irritated if there would have been anyone else other than Claire but she just makes every thing she does adorable.
"Sweetie, we are very far away." I said and she smiled.
"I like when you call me sweetie." She said looking ahead.
"What else would you like me to call you?" 
"You know, usual stuff. Whatever I am. Hot, sexy, smartass, goofy, sweetheart, cute, badass." She said and winked at me. I felt my heart flutter in a very weird way. Being with Claire gives me all these feelings that I have never experienced before, even with Beck and weirdly enough, I like those feelings. 
"Hey so Claire tell me something." I said and she looked at me. I remembered I had to ask her something that I noticed today.
"You know that I like you but I never remember telling you that." I said and he chuckled.
"You want me to spill secrets? I will never tell you that you confessed when you were drunk and barged in my room." She said and I laughed out loud. I was a bit embarrassed that I already told her I liked her but the way she said it made her the cutest girl I have ever met.
"Okay, what else did I tell you when I was drunk?" I asked.
"You said you are not able to grow more than two balls." She said and I looked at her so fast, I think I pulled a nerve.
"I SAID WHAT?" I asked her. Obviously she was too drunk to understand normal human emotion.
"YOU SAID YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO GROW MORE MORE THAN THE TWO BALLS YOU ALREADY HAVE." She said loudly and slowly as if talking to a child. I shook my head and laughed. It was waste of time to talk to her when she was this wasted. I took her to her house and when I parked, she ran out of the car inside her home. When I went in, following her so she wouldn't fall, she told her mom everything that happened in the bar. Marissa laughed at her and took her to her room. I waited for her to come back to I could tell her before I leave. Little did I know, that was not going to happen anytime soon. When her mom came downstairs, she had a serious look in her face. She walked towards me and stood in front of me with her hands on her chest.

"So I heard you barged in my daughter's room one night drunk as fuck. Care to explain?" She said and I had a mini heart attack. Here goes nothing.


Ohhhh, Marissa is pissed. Damn, Carter is dead! Let me know if you liked this chapter. Vote and Comment ! 

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