dunno what to title this

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good morning


or good afternoon


im in class but i wanted to post something, i wanted this to be a book i update daily even if it was just a short chapter checking up on you guys

it's pride month and i only figured out i was bisexual last year, and i feel so happy that i have such supporting people who love me for who i am

me and my friend talked about our future yesterday, and i got really emotional (happy tears) because we have so much ahead of us, we're only kids and i can't wait until im finally free and able to do what i want without worry

i know i would feel unaccomplished if i didn't finish everything on my bucket list before i died

i just hope my future goes the way it should so i can do all of that fun stuff with my friends and family

anyways i hope you lovely people are all taking care of yourselves and i love you, your feelings are always valid ❤️

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH HOMOS ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈🌈🥺✨Where stories live. Discover now