"And me" Lilibet smiles.

"Right, I'd never heard of ya, then I did hear of ya, some little didicoy razor gang.  I thought to myself, 'So what', but then you fucked me over so now you have my undivided attention" Thomas not breaking eye contact with him the whole time.  "Who am I talking to, who's the boss"

"Well I'm the oldest" Arthur speaks up.

"Ha, clearly" The man chuckles

"Are you laughing at my brother" John pipes up

"Right he's the oldest you're the thickest and I'm told a mans called Tommy and I'm guessing thats you because you haven't stopped looking me up and down like I'm a tart" he claims getting angry. "Which means you, my girl, is Elizabeth" he softens his tone.

"Don't call me your girl" she points at him, only Tommy calls her that "We want to know what you want"

"There were suspicious betting patterns at Kempton Park, a horse called Monaghan boy. He won by a length twice and then finished last, with 3,000 pound bets on him" A man with glasses speaks up.

"Who are we talking to, who's the boss?" Tommy asks the men opposite him.

"I'm Mr. Kimbers advisor and accountant" the man who was just talking speaks.

"I'm the fucking boss, okay right, end of parley. You fixed a race without my permission" Kimber says getting up out of his seat forecefully. "I'm Billy Kimber, I run the races and you fixed one of them, so I'm gonna have you shot against a post" Kimber shouts, only for Lilibet and John to start giggling at him.

"Talk about fucking anger issues, I thought we were bad" She wheezes to her brother, the two not giving a damn, everyone in the room thought they were off their heads.

"What you laughing at sweetheart?" Billy asks the girl brave enough to act like that in front of him.

"Never call me sweetheart, alright?" Trying to shake off the disgust "I've got something for you hold on." Lilibet states whilst standing up and reaching into her stocking, pulling out the two bullets Uncle Charlie gave them. She throws one at the man.

"My name on it, Thomas also received one, courtesy of the Lee family, you're also at war with the Lees if I am right?" Elizabeth asks in a calm, almost soothing tone.  Billy nods, impressed at the young girls knowledge.

"The Lees are attacking your bookies and taking your money, your men can't control them, you need help" Tommy finishes for his sister.

"Mr Kimber perhaps we should make arrangements for a second meeting" His advisor speaks up looking between the three. Kimber nods throwing the bullet back at Elizabeth with power, she catches it and smirks at him. "We'll be at Cheltenham" the man says following them out.

"He was pleasant" Lilibet says, realising her laughs she was keeping in, John joining in.

"You two are something else" Arthur laughs with his younger siblings, amazed at how his youngest sister doesn't care what she says or does to one of the most dangerous men they know. That's what he always admired about her, they all did, she had no filter which they didn't know was a blessing or a curse.

"Lili, get yourself a nice dress, Lads, get a decent haircut, we're going to the races" Tommy says looking between his three siblings, downing their drinks as a toast.

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