"Can I tell the story?" Karen asked

"Karen this my Story Tiiime!" Peter whined at his AI.

"Yes, but you wouldn't tell the story right. You were a baby there, you don't know what was going on." The AI replied.

"But I want to tell——" Peter said back to his AI

"Me and F.R.I.D.A.Y. watched every second of it." Karen said.

"It didn't take long for the other Avengers to know that Peter had turned into a baby." Karen started

"Kareeeen!" Peter whined

"Since, Sergeant Barnes and Sergeant Wilson are on cooking duty that Friday night. They have decided to do an early round to asked everyone if they want steak or something Italian for dinner." Karen continued.

"The two were both shock when they saw a baby inside the scientist lab.

Bucky: You kidnapped a baby?

Sam: Why would you—

Tony: No, no, this is Peter.

Sam: Peter is a teen not a baby. Well, sometimes he acts like one but still.

Bruce: He accidentally drank an anti-aging experiment that Tony and I made.

Bucky: How can he accidentally——

Bruce: Tony didn't put a label on it and left it at the kitchen counter.

Bucky was about to take Peter off of the table, he was not great with babies but he knew that putting a baby on a table full of chemicals and glass is not the smartest thing to do. Tony was not please however and carried Peter before Bucky can get a hold of him.

Tony: No.

Bucky: Come on! Let me carry him. I'm his favorite. Look! He's reaching out to me.

Tony: No, you are not his favorite. He's just reaching out because of your shiny metal arm.

Sam: Come on, let us take care of Peter. We promise we won't take him to another country this time.

Tony: If I didn't trust Peter with you two when he was a teen, why would you think I'd trust you when he's a baby?

Bucky: Again, you're just jealous, you know we're gonna be his favorite.

Tony just glared at the two. Talk about protective and possessive Irondad if you ask me." Karen said

"Not you too, Karen" Peter said

"Hush, I'm telling a story." Karen told Peter.

"The two Sergeants were able to convince Mr. Stark to take Peter to the common room. All the while they tried their very best to snatch Peter from Mr. Stark. Upon arriving at the common room, where the other Avengers are staying. The rest have the same reaction as the two who had when they sawthe billionaire carrying a giggling baby. Ms. Romanoff was successful enough to get Peter from Mr. Stark.

Steve: How about you get something for Peter to wear, we will look after him.

Clint: Oh! Oh! Get him a Baby Hawkeye suit or Hawkeye themed onesie.

Bucky: No! Get him a Winter Soldier one!

Sam: Peter would look extra cuter if you buy him the Falcon themed onesie.

It took 30 minutes of arguing and contemplating before Mr. Stark decided to leave Peter with people who argue what kind of onesie should he get for his intern.

Mr. Stark was sure enough that nothing would happened to his baby intern because both the Black Widow and Scarlet Witch were there to make sure no harm would come to Peter.

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