Chapter 1

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I walk softly my feet against the soft snow. My bare feet against the white blanket of snow. My (h/c) blowing softly. My (h/c) ears twitching softly as my tail flicks from side to side. The cool air touching my bare skin as I see my pack leave me slowly. I call out yelping for help as I fall the ice under me cracks and breaks causing me
The plunge deep into the murky water of this frozen land. I gasp for breath harshly as the current sends me
Down the stream the ice breaking near rocks as I cling to them for life. I see a man in a suit out of the corner of my vision, I shiver softly yelp for help. I see the tall mans shadow behind me as my eyes widen and everything goes blurry as I hear static. I feel myself being lifted out of the freezing water. I whimper softly, feeling heat as I'm pressed against a chest my wet hair and skin brushes against the soft silky fabric. I blackout always feeling the warmth next to me. I hear the sounds in the forest, the ones I've lived in for years. But these, this forest, it was new. I hear a door open as as I feel the mans body flex softly as he walks in. I open my eyes softly looking up at him. He was wearing odd cloths, ones I've never seen. He had white skin and no face. He looks down at me, fear filling me as I shake softly, his face grew soft, (well his facelessness) as he softly places me down near a strange room, it had white tiles with a weird box that was hallow, a white color like the floor. The walls were black. I look at the man confused as he softly walked over to the hallow box in the floor. He turn his wrist over a silver metal nob and water came running out. I turn my head to the side walking over to it touching it softly and pulling my hand back, it was warm, better then the harsh cold outside. I shivered softly feeling the absence of this things warm chest. He picks me up again and places me in the warm water.

"Child. Can you speak?" He said softly I shook my head, no one taught me to speak but I understood most languages. I could write in most languages also. The man sighs and brings his large hands into the water cupping them and pouring the water over my head. I pur softly the warmth was soothing. I hear some strange noises the feeling cold on my head as I look at him and he moves my head back slowly rubbing the cool thick liquid I into my wet tangly hair. I wiggle softly as he sighs. "Lean back in going to was the soap from your hair," he says as I nod leaning back as I fall back into the water the man washing away the 'soap' from my hair as I sit up again he puts something else and we repeat. Afterwards he picks me up putting me on a soft rug like thing. I look down as he wraps a fluffy piece of cloth around me and rubs the water away picking me up again setting me on a chair an runs something through my hair.
It hurts slight and I growl very unamused by the thing he has. Afterwards he runs his fingers thought me hair feeling nothing catching his fingers I purr as he slides underwear and something over my chest. He throws a white gown over me, but it wasn't made of fur like with our pack it was like a weird silky cloth like the mans cloths. He ears and tail move slightly.

"I have been watching you for a while child..." He says softly

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