Chapter 1

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It is 6:00 pm and I have just got off my shift at work. My feet hurt from the constant running around with patients and my head hurts from the amount of screaming babies that I came across today. Usually, being a pediatric nurse is my favorite thing in my life, but today was weirdly exhausting. I walk through the front door of my two bedroom apartment, kick off my shoes, and set my purse down on the granite countertop. My 3 year old german shepherd, Rufus, gets out of his plush dog bed and runs to greet me. I bend down, kiss Rufus on the nose, and give him scratches behind his ears.

Rufus has been my companion through everything that has happened to me the past few years. Two years ago, my parents got into a sudden car crash and were killed on site. I had been in my junior year of nursing school at the time, and I felt completely alone and lost. My brother, Dave, couldn't deal so he moved from our hometown of Seattle, all the way to Florida. I tried not to take him moving personally, but it's hard to imagine him moving across the country for any other reason other than getting away from his old life. I try to call him every month, but it always goes to voicemail. Thankfully, my aunt Ruby, my best friend Kiera, her girlfriend Michelle, and Rufus had my back that year. They helped me heal in ways I couldn't have alone.

I walk into my crisp white bedroom, pick up my small watering can from the side of the room and water my plant babies that hang by the window. Then, I change out of my light pink scrubs, and put on some black sweats and a grey, oversized sweatshirt. Throwing my scrubs into the hamper, I trudge into my connected bathroom and put my light blonde hair into a topknot. I lean over the counter on my elbows and stare at myself in the mirror. I am so alone. Kiera is currently out of town on a business trip, Michelle is dealing with a crazy case at her law firm,  and Aunt Ruby lives in New York which means it's around 11pm over there. Maybe even though Kiera is out I could call her. I shut off the bathroom light and walk into the kitchen. Grabbing my phone out of my purse, I press on Kiera Ackerman and fall backwards onto the couch. After a few seconds of ringing, Kiera picks up.

"Hey Lucy! What are you up too?" Her cheery voice echos over the phone. I smile and sigh.

"Kiera hey! I just wanted to check in on how you're doing, I'm lonely without you." I hear her slightly giggle.

"I am having so much fun in Atlanta. The women engineers conference has actually been really interesting. I'm getting a ton of ideas of things I can implement at my civil engineering job at home."

"That sounds great Kiera, have you met any new women engineers you like?"

"Yes! They are all so kind and welcoming. I'm actually planning to go to a bar with a few of them in a few minutes. The bar we are going to is called "The Leaky Cauldron" and it's a Harry Potter theme! I know how much of a nerd you are Lucy"

"No way. I heard about that place on insta. I'm so jealous! Please take pictures and send them to me."

"Don't worry Luce, I'll send you lots. So what do you have going on during this fine Thursday night?"

I walk over to the kitchen and open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of sparkling rosé, I squish the phone in between my shoulder while I pop open the wine.

"Oh you know, just the usual. Vampire Diaries, some rosé and petting Rufus. Michelle texted me earlier and told me she's staying at a hotel closer to the firm because it's taking over her life. I can't wait until you're home. It's killing me to have to wait to watch the next episode of Grey's Anatomy without you. I might just watch it." I smile knowing the reaction I'm about to get.

"DON'T YOU DARE LUCY RAE WATERS. I will kill you if you watch the season finale without me"

"Hehe I know I'm just kidding. But I do really miss you." I take a sip of the rosé right from the bottle and slump against the counter.

"I know, me too. You need some more people in your life, you deserve that much. Hey! Earlier I was scrolling through twitter and I saw my friend just got a pen pal from prison. I know you're always trying to help other people. If you got a prison pen pal it would be a win win. You get to talk to someone who needs a friend, and you get another person in your life!"

I put the phone down on the counter and press the speaker. I reach up and grab a wine glass from the middle shelf of my cupboard and pour a glass of rose. Then I stick the cork in the bottle and place it in the fridge.

"Kiera, I don't know........"

"Just think about it, Luce. You aren't doing anything tonight anyway, just sign up!" I scowl at the phone.

"Hey! You're making me sound like I don't have a life!!!" I hear her laugh over the phone.

"Lucy, when was the last time you went out to a club? When was the last time you had sex since Kyle a year ago?"

"Yeah, Yeah I get it I get it. I'll sign up." I roll my eyes and sit back on the couch.

"Yay! Good girl Luce. Ok I got to run. Update me on who you get as a pen pal. Maybe it'll turn out to be a really fun girl and she will join our squad." I smile at that fun idea.

"Ok go go, send me pictures! Also, check in on your girlfriend, she seems swamped. I'll update you if I sign up. Love you!"

"Love you too Luce and will do, bye!" I hang up the phone and place it beside me. I reach over to the side table and pick up my silver Macbook Pro. Placing it on my lap, I pull up google chrome and type into the search engine "". Immediately it comes up with a web page, and I click on the home screen. On the home page it shows pictures of inmates smiling with letters, and two girls, one in an orange jumpsuit and the other in jeans and a t-shirt hugging and smiling for the camera. I start to get excited. This could be a great way to meet a new friend! I also will feel like I am genuinely making a difference in their life.

I click on the button that says "sign up" and it comes up with a section where you put your information. I write in Lucy Waters, age 23, Pediatric Nurse, No criminal record. Then there is a section about hobbies and interests. I write, play piano, ukulele, read, play with Rufus, and like to paint occasionally. Then at the end of the document there is a place where you can add in a photo. I pull up my laptop's camera roll, and put in the photo that Kiera took of me at a bar. That was the first time I felt confident after Kyle broke up with me 2 months earlier. That was a rough time. Kyle and I had been best friends since sixth grade, and late high school, it turned into something more. I was crazy in love with him and thought he was my soulmate, until I walked in on him making out with a random brunette at a party. That shattered my heart, and it took me a few months to fully get over him. That photo of me sitting at the bar, drinking a martini in a sparkly silver cowl neck dress is my favorite photo of myself because it shows my inner strength. After I add the photo, I press submit. The webpage processes for a few seconds and displays a message that in a day or two I will be matched up with an inmate around the same age as me. I smile and take another sip of my wine. This is another step forward in trusting new people again.

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