indi x robot phinu

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indigo woke up one morning, smelling like fuel. darn she thought as she got out of bed and headed to look for her robot boy friend called phinu. She found him in the kitchen fueling himself back up with petrol. "do you need help?" she asked as she started to make her iced coffee. "nah its all good" phinu said as he continued to fuel him self up with oil. she nodded at him and went to go shower as she reeked of oil. 

while she was showering phinu made some food for the both of them. meaning pancakes for indi, while for himself he made some petrol pudding. he set it up nicely (CAUSE HES A SIMPPPP) and waited for her to be done with her shower. Meanwhile indi had showered and decided to dress up for the day. she wore her really pretty white dress that she should wear more often (yes this is a threat) and went downstairs. she was pleasntly suprised to see that phinu had made her some panckaes. she sat down across from him and they both enjoyed their meal. after eating breakfast they decided that phinu needed some new parts cause he was getting rusty. they both grabbed what they needed and went outside.

 the store was quite far and that day the public tranposrt was closed. alas phinu as a robot was programmed to turn into a motercyle. so he transformed into a motercycle and they both went on thier merry way down to the mall. at the mall they first went to go to the robot store to replace phinus parts which were rsuting. after indi decided she wanted to get a dress for phinu cause he would look so swag in a dress ahem ahem. she picked out a marvoleous hot pink floor length dress and phinu was in love with it. he even decided to wear the dress after they had bought it.

 they ended their little mall date with some well needed icecream. phinu turned back into a motercycle and they went home to have a barbie princess movie marathon which ended up with phinu crying cause of how good the movies were and indi comforting him until they both fell asleep

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