"Don't want to bring all of time collapsing in on itself, I 'm guessing," Jenny said.

"Sure, something like that," I responded. "The others seem to have been taken from their proper time."

As Jenny scanned the room again, I shut the Tardis door. Then she remarked, "Isn't Sam supposed to be comatose? You know, because of the trials?"

Sam and Dean looked at each other.

"Jenny!" I said.

"Sorry, I..."

"He was," Dean said, while also silently miming it's okay with a head shake and holding his hands up for a brief moment. "Surprised me when he walked into the pizza place like nothing had happened, but maybe that was Ruby doing something. By accident, of course. You didn't really know what you were doing right then."

Jenny spun to me.

"I haven't told her yet..." I muttered.

"You did this?" she asked, raising her voice. I couldn't make heads or tails of her tone.

"It wasn't on purpose!"

"How long have they-"

"Since Saturday. Well, and Sunday," I said. "They've all been here since the weekend."

"The weekend? And you're only telling me now?"

"If I showed you any earlier, you wouldn't get it. You would've just seen them as people."

"No, I wouldn't have."

"Yeah, you would've, Jenny. Until last night, you'd forgotten everything. In fact, the only people in the world who know the truth are standing here. Well, us and the villains that came over."

"Villains? What villains?"

"We've got Voldemort, Lucifer, Cybermen... And the Daleks."

"The daleks? But-"

"Jenny, don't," I said. In a voice barely above a whisper, I said, "All I've told them about is the Cult of Skaro. They don't know about anything else."

"Do they know..."

I shook my head, I didn't know exactly what she was gonna ask, but most likely the answer was no. "The last major thing that happened was the Cyberman parallel world."

Her eyes went wide, then she nodded.

"You two okay over there?" Dean asked.

"She'll be okay," I said.

"Maybe," Jenny said. "I mean this is.. It's just..."

"Impossible?" the Doctor supplied.

"Exactly," she said. Then she paused and added, "How'd you know?"

"Ruby reacted the same way when she first saw us," Rose said.

"She did?" Jenny asked, looking at me. I nodded. "How did... everyone get here?" Jenny asked.

"To us, it was sort of random," Dean said. "I mean, I was driving Sam to a hospital. I got hungry and I saw this pizza place nearby, so I pulled in there. Met Ruby, Sam walks in... We think we've found a case with this odd news report and Ruby acts like she's a hunter."

"Couldn't exactly tell the truth," I shrugged.

"I was taking Harry home after a long day at the Ministry," Hermione spoke up. "He and Ron had been there extra late, and since we weren't going super far from each other, Ron and I'd Apparate to his house, drop him off, then we'd go home. Except we all wound up on some side street... here. It was still night, but we'd managed to find a motel to stay at. Our magic wasn't working, and we didn't have any Muggle money, much less American, so we just kind of wandered around until morning. We'd needed something to eat, and we didn't want to go too far from where we'd wound up."

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