Chapter 16

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Here's the layout of the apartment, if anyone was wondering. I felt like building it, then decided that I could share it. Give you a look into where Ruby and Jenny live. That's really it. Enjoy the chapter!


When I came back , Jenny was staring at me.

"What... on earth... just happened?" she asked as I pulled my hands away from her face. "I..."

Her eyebrows scrunched up as she looked at me, trying to make sense of what I'd just shown her. I had no idea if she saw her own memories or if it was mine that she saw, but I was sure they'd have similar effects, whichever she saw.

She looked around the apartment, her eyes first settling on the LEGO shelf by the door. "Where'd the bus go?" she asked.

That was all I needed. I threw myself around her, and whispered, "You're back..."

"Ruby, what on earth?' she asked, pushing me off. "Why are you acting so strange?"

"You're gonna have lots of questions, but I will answer them tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will take you to meet the friends I keep talking about.


We agreed to meet in the Tardis again, giving Jenny the 'full treatment' so to speak. I did feel bad a little. I hadn't really given any other explanation for the way I'd acted last night, nor would I answer her question as to where the Harry Potter memorabilia went. The boxed set of Doctor Who seasons had vanished as well. We'd also bought the next set: The Matt Smith collection, consisting of seasons 5-9, and for kind of obvious reasons... that was gone as well.

I answered none of her questions as I half-dragged her to where the Tardis was.

"That's impossible," Ruby muttered as she stared at the wooden police box. She shook her head, and said again, "That's impossible. That can't-"

"Welcome to my world," I said. "Come on! They're waiting!"

"They?" Jenny asked. "Who on Earth are they?"

"My friends," I said. "Now come on."

Jenny shook her head again. "Your friends... This is the Tardis, right? I mean, why else would a British Police box from like 1940 or whatever be here... on a random Pennsylvanian side street in 2013. Your friends are in the Tardis."

"Yes, they are," I said. "Now come on!"

I pulled on her arm again, but she still didn't move. She was frozen in place.

"Jenny, come on," I said again.

"Ruby, what on earth is going on?" she asked, turning to me.

"I can explain it if you come inside. Please. It'll be a lot easier. Oh, and um... try and control your freak out when we get inside. I mean, I told them to expect something, but... you know. Just try."

This time when I pulled on her arm, she let me take her. I pushed on the door, and it swung inwards. Jenny looked around in crazy awe. Her eyes darted from face to face, then she looked at me. "Ruby, pinch me," she muttered. "Wait no, don't. I don't want to wake up."

"It's not a dream, Jenny," I said to her. "Unfortunately."

"Unfortun- Ruby, how is-"

"So this is the famous Jenny," the Doctor said with a bright smile. "I was wondering when we'd get to meet you."


"The tenth Doctor," I said. "He doesn't know what happens in the future, and I haven't said much."

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