I closed my eyes shut and buried my face on my hands again. Stop it, stop it. It didn’t take a second to feel his hand on me again for support. “Is something wrong? Are you hurt?” He asked more worriedly. I brought myself to look at him, unsure what to say next.

He was still pale except for his lips.

I don't know if it was the fact that I feel lightheaded from almost drowning trying to save him or just the flashback I just had but, either way, I thought for a second what it'd feel like — kissing him.

Oh god, what am I thinking —

I shook the adulterous thought out of my head and had just noticed him waving a slightly shaking hand in front of me. “I... I thought you were going to die,” I breathed, leaning my forehead against his chest. “You fucking scared me.”

“The language was unnecessary but thank you,” he murmured, “for saving me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, you saved me —“

“No, not that, about —“ I looked at him hesitantly. “I saw you... before... you... I...” I groaned in frustration, pulling my knees to my chest and burying my face on it. “Before? Did you remember something again?” He asked curiously, sitting much more relaxed now beside me. “Yeah, but I’m not telling you about it,” I mumbled, feeling my face heat up. I looked down so he won't see me flushed. “But I’m really sorry for doing that.”

He looked at me more confused than I’ve seen him before. “Just —” I paused. "Hey wait, stop asking about me. How are you feeling? Are you okay? Can you breathe properly? Did you break something? Does your body hurt? Does your head hurt?" I asked worriedly. He softened for a millisecond but then changed his expression again. "I am okay," was all he replied. "I don't think so. We need to get you checked just in case." I got up immediately, picked up some of the vines and placed them inside the case along with our other things. I walked towards the door back inside the laboratory, looking back at him to see him still sitting on the ground. “Come on, Spock, let’s get in for now,” I called, opening the door. “We need to get changed. Tell Bones to check you up. But don't let Jim know, okay? I don't want him worrying.”

"I already told you I am okay, Lieutenant. That should not be necessary," he argued calmly. I glared at him. "That is very necessary, Spock. You almost drowned. Now let's get in and change, you'll be increasing the risk of getting pneumonia."

He didn't argue anymore and instead just pulled himself up and followed me into the laboratory. I placed the case down on the table and the tricorder that I almost broke a while ago. We quietly walked out the laboratory and through the long halls again that for some reason, felt even longer right now.

Did she tell you where she was going?”

“She said she’d look for you!”

“Ugh, these receptionists are useless.”

Bones’s and Jim’s voices were echoing throughout the hall and after a few steps, I finally made up their figures. They stopped babbling about the useless locals in the vicinity and turned to us in sync. “Lane! I was looking everywhere for... you...“ Jim’s excited voice trailed off when he noticed my state. “What happened? Where were you? Are you okay?"

“Gee, Spock, you look terrible.” Bones commented judgingly. "It's like you've lost a gallon of blood."

I glanced at Spock before answering Jim. “We uhm, fell on the lake behind the lab, when we uhm... tried to chase a weird looking creature to experiment on. We’re fine though, no life-threatening situations,” I lied. “Sorry, I was going to look for you but got distracted... anyway, I’ll go change. It’s getting a bit cold,” I mumbled, slipping between Bones and Jim to pass through. “Get changed too.” I told Spock before walking away.

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