Royal Mayhem

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"Maxi. The boy who made me wander around? Why did he kill you?"

Remyu sighed again. "In our world..."

"Your world?" Leslie starts walking again, and Remyu floats beside her.

"Our world is an exact replica of your's, but there are kingdoms and wars, royalty and magic. Somehow, only you are the only one who can see both worlds. Anyway, Maxi and I are the princes of Aardak. The youngest male royal will become king, and..."

"King? The youngest become king? How?"

"Yes, we do not have de-mock-grassy like you do. Yes, the youngest. I don't know why, it's tradition. I have seven brothers, other than Maxi, and Lixoni was supposed to become king when Maxi murdered him and all my younger brothers. Now only my older brother, Devgal, is left to kill before Maxi can be king."

Leslie gasped as seven other ghosts appeared beside Remyu. They chanted, "Seven wanderers lost from their home. Seven people now all lost to roam. Eighth will appear once eighth is gone. Another wanderer, another dawn." Remyu had joined in as soon as it started.

After a minute, Remyu and his brothers started gasping and choking. Remyu turned to Leslie. "F-find my s-sister, M-marrid-doni. S-she will help y-you and the o-others."

"Others? What others?" Leslie asked, but all the ghosts had disappeared.

The black-haired boy, who she knew now was called Maxi, walked next to her as though he had always been there. "Talking to my younger brothers. How was it?"

Leslie's teeth started chattering and she shivered. "G-go a-away, y-you m-monster!"

Maxi looked shocked, though Leslie knew it was an act. "Now, now. None of that." He touched her lips with a gem he wore around his neck. "There, that's better."

Leslie tried to scream 'You cruel, evil, malicious demon' but she started choking on the words.

Maxi chuckled. "Now don't try that again, or I will have to make it worse."

Leslie glared at Maxi, and as she did, He turned into mist and disappeared.

Leslie mumbled to herself. "I wish he was dead instead of the others."

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