Chapter 7

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The next morning, Julius is the first one who woke up, he checked the kids first and notice that william is awake already, looking at the tree near the room through the window and listening to the singing birds.

When William notice that someone entered the room, he look at the door ans sees Julius. He smiled brightly at him, and silently run to him and clingly wrapped his body on Julius leg.

"Ne, ne are we going to play? I want to play and milk and birds and bread" he said looking up at Julius who look down at him smiling brightly and his eyes are shining like a star.

"Of course my son let's go to the kitchen first okay? We will have breakfast first before the others" he said as he see the children are still sleeping and clinging to each other, and Yami and Jack are snoring despite their age. Julius sweatdrop on them and picked Young William.

They head to the kitchen and Julius prepared the ingredients he needed for coffee for himself and Milk for William. William uses his magic to bring the sugar to Julius and get the bread on the storage drawer.

"Thank you" Julius said and William smiled happily to him.

"Your welcome dad!" he said and make a stair for him to sit down on the chair and wait patiently for his milk.

Julius eyes widen on what William called him. He walked towards the table, a glass of milk and coffee on his hands. H egive the milk to William and the kid happily reach for it and started sipping it.

And for Julius, as far as he can remember, William doesn't have that happy childhood because of the scar on his face. He can't help but tear up when he remember the first time he saw him, planting trees on the empty field for the birds, such a pure heart he have but the people around him are not good to him. Being illegitimate child give him a hard time. He look again at William wearing a small mask he made again for him. He wipe his tears, and William sighed cheerily and ate his bread with eye closed smile, happily devoring his food.

"I'm so full AHA!" William said and he accidentally lean on his back, his chair have no back for him to lean. Before he fall down on the floor, Julius caught him with his Chronostasis spell and free him and reach for him in his arm.

"William look at him, eyes widen and sparkling, " Woah papa that's so cool!!".

Julius blushed on what William called him, again and shook his head, " Of course! I'm your dad afterall" he said and started to tickle his small tummy which make William laugh so loud that makes the others wake up.

A/N: Sorry for the very late update everyone because I'm lzy lmao and I almost forgot that this book is existing BTW please read my other books thank you! And yes this is Julius and William focused Chapter.

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