“I CAN’T SEE!” I cried out feeling the tears fall. “I CAN’T SEE!!” I repeated in desperation trying to touch my eyes again.

I heard the woman mumble an ‘oh god’ before she called in for back up. I continued to squirm like a fish out of water; thrashing about in attempt to get up. Short after I heard someone else enter the room, him and the talking to each other and then me quickly drifting out of consciousness again.

I awoke again feeling woozy. I felt like I was in some crazy dream. I was silently praying that this was indeed all a dream. But when I opened my eyes to darkness again I was reminded that it wasn’t. I wept aloud.

“Ms. Knowles?”

I jumped out of my skin and frantically reached out for the person.

“Help me!” I pleaded as I touched my eyes again. “What happened to my eyes?” I hysterically questioned.

“Ms. Knowles my name is Dr. Rollins. Do you remember anything at all about what happened to you?” He asked bypassing my initial question.

I simply nodded as I continued to cry. So I was in a hospital. Fear didn’t even begin to describe how I was feeling.

“Ho-, how, how di- did I, how did I get here?” I asked stifling back my sobs but was failing in doing so.

“Um, a man Robert Gates called the police. Do you know that man? He asked.

He was me and Boris’ neighbor who lived in the brownstone directly next to ours. He must have heard all the commotion and called the cops. I tearfully nodded confirming that I knew who he was. I covered my mouth trying to contain the shrilling screams threatening to come out.

“Ms. Knowles I’m going to need you to calm down okay?” He said placing his hand on my forehead. “Can you do that for me?” He asked.

I struggled to gain my composure. Hiccupping sounds escaped my throat as I tried to regulate my breathing. I was hyperventilating. Calming down seemed out of the question at the moment. How could I be calm in a situation like this? I held my breath hoping it would help.

“C-, can you please…” I choked, holding my chest. “Dr. what’s wrong with my eyes?”

There was a pause and I wondered if he left the room. But then he spoke putting my mind at ease a little.

“Well, I have your family in the waiting room. Do you want me to send them in?” He asked. “That way I can tell you all at the same time.” He finished.

My mouth hung agape as the shock settled in. My family was here? The doctor repeated his question when I failed to answer. I nodded in response. Moments later I could hear the sound of my mother’s cries and feel the warmth of her hand on my cheek, which only caused me ball even harder. I reached out trying to touch her and she grabbed my hand for me, placing it on her face. Her cheeks were damp with tears. I heard her soft sniffles as she nuzzled into my hand.

“Mom?” My voice cracked. “Mom, I can’t see you.”

She removed her face from my touch and began frantically asking question.

“Why can’t my baby see?!”She screamed. “Huh? What’s goin’ on?”

“Tina please calm down for a second.” For the first time I heard my father’s voice.

I squinted, praying to God that my vision would somehow miraculous return, but all that was add more strain to my already sore eyes.

“How can I calm down Matt?” She asked.

“Listen our baby needs us to be strong.” He said. His voice sounded anything but strong itself. But I could tell he was fighting with himself to not crack under the situation. “She’s already hurtin’ as is.” He said trying to soothe my mother who was still crying.

Left In The DarkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin