Seven - the Eve of Miwa

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Miwa woke up alone on her couch with a horrible hangover. She'd slept through the school day after calling in sick and headed over to Sia la Luce. Kojiro laughed at her as she walked in. "Rough night?"

"Don't be such a jerk. I was wondering, what's tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow night, my lovely girl, I'm closing the restaurant early and you and I are having a romantic dinner together."

"Oh are we now? I don't remember to agreeing to a romantic dinner, or any dinner at all."

"Just give me this one night. It only comes once a year, after all."

"Fine. Just this once. But I hope you don't think you get to keep me the whole night."

"I would never keep you from what else you want to do, but I did call your mother and let her know I was going to steal you a bit later."

"You? Calling my mother? Who are you and what happened to my Kojiro Nanjo? It's too bad that you planned a romantic dinner, because I was thinking I could invite you to a family dinner, but if that's what you think is best..."

"Then let's have your family dinner tonight? Your mother invited me over."

Miwa smirked. "Of course she did. I'm guessing that means we're leaving soon?"

"Did you want to chance first?"

She looked down at herself. She was wearing a tee shirt and sweatpants. "Is there something wrong with this? This is my typical 'after getting stupid drunk because of the fear of Adam' outfit."

"You want Langa to see you like that?"

"Uh, yeah. That's kind of the point. Adam sucks the energy out of me. I'm trying to scare my brother away from him, not make him think he can turn people into happiness. Adam is the definition of a monster."

"I guess you're right. Fine, let's get going then."

Kojiro drove. We pulled up to the house only to find Langa wasn't even there. He was out with Reki still, practicing. It was an awkward dinner. Kojiro picked up a picture.

"Careful with that. It's one of the few pictures we had together."

"Seems like you were rebellious even back then."

Mrs Hasegawa laughed. "Oh yes! Miwa was such the little troublemaker! Yet she was always so good with me. She was always goofing off with her father. She didn't get to see him very often the last bunch of years. You know, Miwa used to win competitions in snowboarding."

"Really? She never mentioned it before."

"She's six years older than Langa. Oliver was always trying to teach her a new trick, and she was a fast learner. We thought she was just talented, but when Langa came out and started snowboarding with her when she was about nine, he started winning competitions right away. It was just a family trait."

"You won snowboarding contests?"

"Six years in a row. Then Langa started and won his first year too. It's not hard to tell we're related, is it?"

"Kaoru and I had no idea. And I know Kaoru didn't know that one."

Miwa looked down. "Langa was always so happy with dad, so I didn't want to take that away from him. His favourite thing was snowboarding, so I'd always stay with mom and did whatever i could. I realize now I probably should have continued with him. Been his big sister; but I didn't want to compete against him. It didn't matter who won or lost, it would have lead to arguments. Fighting for his affection. By the time that I graduated, I had already planned to come here to learn more about the family. Mom's side of the family, that is. I never thought this would happen before I finished collage."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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