Five - Comeback

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The costume wasn't like it was before. In the span of two days, Miwa did a few things for her comeback. She called up Oka for some skateboard parts. She decked out a new board just for this race. She wanted a snowboard like board. It was a lot of sawing and sanding and planning. On the bottom were the typical scratches, but she added some claw markings in the grip too. She got a new outfit too. Something a bit more aerodynamic. She used to tease her hair up, but the purple and green underneath faded out, so she went for something else. She added clip on strips of colour and curled it all so it was wavy. She changed her makeup. Instead of the typical bloody werewolf look she went for, Miwa decided for a bit more colour. She had purple smudged around her eyes, and green clawmarks down her face. She wore short shorts with a tank top and a jean vest covered in glowing green and purple paint, her claw mark symbol on the back of it. Down her left leg was a tattoo of claw marks. Thigh high tight purple and green stockings to help ease the air restrictions, with opposite colours for her shoes, again, with her signature claw marks on it. She wore green gloves with purple scratch mark designs on the tops of her hands. Yellow glowing animal eye contacts in her eyes as a final touch.

The night came, and she got to the mountain with a large dark hoodie over her so nobody would see who she was. Finally, when the time came for the race, she heard everyone talking. Wondering if she was really going to show up. It had been almost a year since she had quit. She was as exclusive as Adam at this point. Nobody thought she'd really show up for a battle against a rookie. Though, nobody knew that she and this rookie were related. That this battle, was her way of apologizing for all the time she's missed. Though, she wasn't going to take it easy on him just because they were related. When there was only a few minutes before the race, she took off her dark coat to reveal her costume. She was the talk of S.

Joe walked over. "Trying to impress someone? Whoo, you're looking real hot."

"Oh shut it you Gorilla! Most of what she's wearing is areodynamic! Not everyone is trying to show off like you!"

"What about the vest! She's totally trying to be like me!"

"Can't you see she's got more of my style! She's trying to be smart!"

Miwa grabbed both of their hands, smiling. The looked at her. Around her ankle was a band with a cherry blossom flower printed on it, and around her neck was a wooden necklace of a certain tattoo that was well known. "I'm both. You've taught me so much, so I had to do something to show how much I appreciate you. Both of you. I love you guys, so I'll show you just how good I am. Do you like the new costume?"

Cherry crossed his arms. "It's pretty punctual."

"You look cool." Joe told her, looking away.

Miwa, no, Fierce, took her place at the starting line. Langa looked to her, barely recognizing his older sister. There was men calling out to her and whistling. She was completely ignoring the men catcalling her. "Why a werewolf?" He asked. "And since when did you have a tattoo? And dress like that? You look like a whore."

"You insolent brat! Why would you even say that!"

"What, you do look like a whore."

Miya looked terrified. "Dude, are you trying to get yourself killed out there? Feirce can beat Adam. She'll run you right off the course if you speak to her wrong. She always hurts the guys that treat her like she's not worth anything on this course because she's a female."

"What? She does. I don't want to see her like this."

"Would you call Joe a whore?"


"Who the hell raised you, kid? I would have expected better from you. I'm disappointed that you're treating a woman like that. Any woman, especially when you wouldn't say that to a man."

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