"It happened about 6 years ago." I sighed finally opening up.

She nodded with her brows raised in encouragement.

"I was fresh outta grad school and Boris and I were living together in Harlem. I was 23 and happy. My dream of opening a gallery was in the transition of becoming a reality. My friends and I had got a bank loan approved for the lease on the location we're still in now in the lower east side. The three of us went through hard times getting the gallery off its feet for a couple of months. It took a toll on our spirits a little bit, and it bled over to my relationship."

Intermediately she would input her mmhmm's and go on's. I continued. "But that night was a good night." A fragile smile emerged as I thought of that part of the memory. "I had sold my first painting and was so excited. My girls thought it would be a great idea to celebrate and go out. So I did." I stopped again and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. The tears were forming again.

"You're doing great." She continued to coach.

I tilted my head far back, resting completely on the back of my chair and gazed at the ceiling. Vivid mental images of my recollections were projected onto it like a movie screen. In my head I was transported back to that night. That god-forsaken night.

I laid sprawled out on the backseat of Michelle's car with my heels scattered on the floor. One foot under the driver's seat, the other god only knows where. My feet were killing me. We danced all night at some club we found a flyer for stuck to our shop's window and took it as a sign. Kelly and Michelle were in the front still talking about the hot bartender and debating which team he played for-if you know what I mean. I laughed as they seriously engaged in a full on debate.

"It don't matter anyway cuz you thirsty broads ain't gettin' none no how." I teased.

"Beyoncé shut yo' ass up and remain seated...in the back!" Kelly retorted while tossing her wrist band at me.

"I'm just sayin'." I said in defense.

Michelle shook her head and laughed in agreement. "Yeah gurl, wasn't you sleep?"

I yawned. "Nah, but I'm 'bout to be as soon as I get home."

I was already envisioning my bed with me underneath the sheet, mouth open, and drooling. I was that exhausted. I reached into my purse which was serving as a pillow at the moment to grab my cell and check the time. It was about 3:30am-seeing that alone made my eyelids heavier. My phone began blinking, informing me of a notification. I had 12 missed calls. All from Boris. I sat erect in my seat and looked out the car window. Recognizing the street signs, I knew home was nearby and placed my phone back in my bag. I'll just talk to him when I get inside. I was curious however. Sudden but slight panic struck through me. What if something was wrong? 12 missed calls seemed urgent. Before I could reach back into my bag, Michelle pulled up to my brownstone. When I didn't immediately get out, Michelle turned around in her seat to look at me.

"You feelin' okay Bey? You drunk?" She jokingly asked knowing that I didn't drink nearly as much as Kelly did.

I snapped out of my thoughts and feigned a smile. I didn't want to worry them with the millions of bad scenarios I was playing through in my mind.

"Ask ya friend that." I jutted my chin towards Kelly who was now slump into her seat with her forehead rested against the glass.

Michelle giggled. "You right."

I quickly felt around for my shoes and exited the car, heels in hand. There was no point in putting those things back on.

"Night Bey." Michelle said.

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