It's a secret - Minho

Start from the beginning

"Hear me out, Y/N" He began to say before I interrupted him.

"If you're here to get on my nerves you can leave me alone now, because you already did" I dedicated him a sarcastic grin, still not laying my eyes on him.

I left him speechless, he definitely was not expecting that kind of demeanor from me. But he recovered pretty fast.

"Don't be so shuck angry and childish!" Minho complained in annoyance.

"Why shouldn't I be? You hate me, right?" I faced him just for one moment to show him my disgust and determination before I turned back round. "Might as well hate you back"

"I don't hate you, okay? Slim it" With the corner of my eye I could see how he gestured vividly in frustration before leaning on the wall.

By that point, I realized that my anger was just a way for me to avoid showing weakness. Yet I carried on being sulky and defensive.

"Oh, so you don't hate me" I finally stopped saving the supplies to give my complete attention to that shuck face and clarify the situation once and for all.

"I don't!"

"Then why are you being such a slinthead to me?"

"It's a secret!"

I sighed with a slight head shake and once again carried on doing my chores. I should have known it was no use talking to him. It never was.

"Just go away, Minho..." I clenched my jaw, trying not to show that I was actually hurt by his behavior. Even if there had been sadness in my voice.

However, something told me he noticed. By the way he moved and stood there watching me in silence, I knew.

Then he startled me once again by stepping in front of me and slapping his hands against my shoulders in desperation. I couldn't help but to cringe in astonishment and shrink back in response.

"I like you, stupid!" He exclaimed loudly, apparently very flustered and frustrated. "I think I'm falling in love with you!"

I pursed my lips, trying not to squeak happily when hearing those words. To avoid getting my feelings hurt, I kept up that tough demeanor.

"If you liked me you wouldn't be treating me like this!" I replied in the same tone.

"It's just..." Minho groaned in annoyance. "I didn't even know if you liked me back, shuck face!"

He was just staring at me expectantly. Almost like he was waiting for an answer from my part. Leave it up to him to ask me if I liked him without really presenting a question.

And to be honest, I didn't know anymore. I knew I liked him before, but him being a total slinthead was a huge turn off. So I was a little confused and didn't know how to feel.

"What does it even matter, Minho?" I resolved to say in the end, standing my ground. "It's not important if you're gonna be a shuck face"

His eyes opened wide in surprise. Not only had I replied wittily and flawlessly, I had also used his own personal insult against him.

However, the Runner recovered quickly once again. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, awkwardly, and displayed that tough pose and demeanor he had mastered.

"Is that a yes?" It was both amusing and oddly endearing to see how much he insisted.

"It's a maybe" I quickly finished talking and before he got his hopes up or I lost that sudden burst of courage and confidence. "If you were ready to be sweeter"

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