"Sensitivity. I like that in a stranger. Are you new around here?" I ask him. Okay, he's so hot. I'm trying so hard not to blush, let alone pass out just from looking at him.

"Just visiting. Confounded by all the rain and it's only my first day in town," the hot man says to me.

"You'll get used to it," I tell him while shrugging. I walk away from the computer and he follows me.

"Makes me wanna stay in bed all day," the man tells me.

"We just met already and you're talking about your bed. Not very subtle of you," I tell him. He smirks.

"Subtle has never really been my strong suit. So, do you ever go out with co-workers?" he asks me.

"I try and make it a rule not to do that," I tell him.

"Then I am so glad I don't work here," he smiles at me.

"Wow. Are you seriously hitting on me? In a hospital?" I ask him.

"Would that be wrong of me?" he asks.

"Rachel," I tell him my name.

Then Derek comes out of nowhere and punches the man right in the face. He falls to the ground. Derek shakes his hand in pain.

"Derek what the hell was that for?!" I ask him, confused at why he just punched the guy I was talking to.

"That was Mark," Derek tells me. I have no idea who that is so I just walk away and let the two of them figure their issues out.

After I walk away, I tell the rest of the interns that a hot guy named Mark is here. When we found him, he was suturing his own face. Meredith was standing with him, watching in awe. "Why is he suturing his own face?" George asks, sounding annoyed. He must've seen me talking to Mark earlier.

"To turn me on," Cristina mumbles. I laugh, Mark is really hot. Have I said that already?

"Because he's Mark Sloan. He's like the go-to plastic surgeon on the East Coast," Alex tells us. I drop my mouth in shock, it all makes complete sense now.

"That's the guy Addison was sleeping with while she was with Derek?" I ask in surprise.

"You can't really blame her for that, can you?" Izzie asks us.

"Nope. Not really," Cristina and I say at the same time.

"McSexy wants an x-ray to check for any fractures and I think it's a pretty bad idea if I take him over," Meredith says as she walks up to us.

"I'm on it," Alex says, already walking away.

"McSexy?" I ask, unsure if I like that nickname for Mark or not.

"No," Meredith shakes her head, agreeing with me.

"McYummy," Izzie suggests. We all shake our heads.

"McSteamy," Meredith says. Izzie and I nod in approval.

"Oh there it is," Cristina says while giving Meredith a high five. All of us laugh at this except for George.

"Uh, just ah choking back some McVomit," he groans before walking away from us. Izzie follows him.

I go to Mr. Eaton's room and he's setting up a video camera on his table. "Do you need a hand with that Sir?" I ask him.

"If you could set up the tripod for me that would be very helpful dear," he tells me. I walk over to his camera.

"Are you... what are you doing with this?" I ask while fixing the camera setup.

Lover // g. o'malleyWhere stories live. Discover now