17 Seconds

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In life, we are taught that there are seven deadly sins. We all know the big ones: Gluttony, pride, lust. But the sin you don't hear much about is anger. Maybe it's because we think anger is not that dangerous. That we can control it. My point here is, maybe we don't give anger enough credit. Maybe it can be a lot more dangerous than we think. After all, when it comes to constructive behavior, it did make the top seven.

Cristina, Izzie, Meredith and I all decide to go to Joe's bar after work to avoid our boy problems. I don't tell them about my issues however, I lie and say I'm just going with them for moral support. They don't have a right to know about my issues. We walk in and Derek and Burke are playing darts together.

"He's picturing my face. He's totally picturing that dart puncturing my skull," Cristina complains as Burke flexes a muscle at Derek. "Whoa! Look at that."

"Derek... Derek is definitely picturing you," I tell Meredith as I take a sip of my beer.

"He called me a whore the other day. He lost the right to picture me," Meredith tells me. I had no idea that this happened so I just take another sip of my drink.

"So I fell asleep during sex. So what? Ass!" Cristina yells. I didn't know this happened either, which is exactly why I haven't said anything to them about George. They don't feel the need to tell me anything so why should I?

"Ass!" Meredith yells.

"Oh, ass! Hey!" Izzie says as Alex enters the bar and walks by the four of us. I shake my head at her and laugh.

"Isobel Stevens has finally left the hospital. It's about time. Does this mean that heart patient dude of yours finally kicked it?" Alex asked her, referencing Denny.

"I'm sorry. This section of the bar is for surgeons only. We don't socialize with gynecologists here," Izzie tells him. "George!" Izzie yells as he walks in the bar, changing the subject with Alex.

"Oh look at that, ass!" I yell before grabbing my purse and leaving.

After leaving the bar, I went home by myself and went straight to bed. Meredith offered to take us to the hospital again tomorrow so I accepted the offer. When we got to the hospital the next day, it was packed. We were all waiting in the ambulance bay.

"White male. GSW to the left shoulder. Multiple walking wounded. Five injured coming in behind us," the paramedic tells us. We rushed to the ER.

"Why are they all out in the hallway?" Meredith asks.

"Overflow from the OR," Cristina tells her.

"A paramedic told us an employee went postal. Shot up a restaurant," I repeat.

"I heard he got away too," George says.

"Really?" Izzie asks. George just nods.

I walk over to the other side of the OR where the new orthopedic surgeon, Callie Torres, is standing. "Lower left leg deformity from GSW. Pedal pulse is strong and intact. Paramedics said he got five of morphine in the field," I report to her.

"Trust me, it was not enough," the man says.

"Probably got the tibia. Rule out other injuries then get him up to radiology," Callie orders.

After doing what Callie said, I walk up to her at the OR board. I've never really talked to her before. "I've finished all five of your patients Dr. Torres. Do you mind if I scrub in? I've never seen an ORIF before," I ask.

"Sorry, I can't do that for you today Lopez. The boards all backed up like crazy. Wills is going to have to wait a few hours, because every specialty thinks their surgeries are more important than ortho. Freaking superior macho jerks," Callie complains.

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