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Y/n - Again no one is here for me!!

oh by the way let me introduce myself I am Lee y/n. I work in a bar I don't have any friends or family. Every night I have to back my apartment by myself no one wait for me anytime. But now I am used to it.

I was looking for bus. But it's very late I don't think now I will get a bus. I was thinking about my life which is not better than hell.

suddenly I heard some noises. I went to there. And I saw a man he was wet with bloods and he was senseless.

I went to him.

- Are you okay? Heyy....
*no response*

I was scared is he alive? I went to check.

I felt some relief when I check his breath.... yes he is alive but I have to take him hospital!

I said- But it's late and no hospital is near.... what do I do?

Then I remember something I have a scarf with me.... I tied the scarf to his cut...

Then I saw some water left in my bottle.

I gave the water to him....

after sometimes he opened his eyes!

I asked him - Are you okay?

He was just looking at me...

" Do you need anything.... hospital is very far! So we have to wait till morning.... when there will be bus! Are you listening?"

He didn't said anything.....

" Heyy! Are you okay? " i said in a worried tone.

then he spoke.

......... - Who are you?

I said- huh? Oh myself y/n...

......... - What you're doing here in this night?

" oh I was returning to my apartment from work "

he said- It's not safe.... let me send you home!

" no need and more than that you're not okay you should go hospital and there is no car you can't- "

he cut me off.
.......... - shhh...! You talk too much...

he took his phone!

......... - dammed! It's dead... do you have a phone?

y/n- yeah i have....

........... - give me.

I gave my phone to him. He dialed a number and then....

.......... - hello am sending you a location come fast!

he end the call.

I said while laughing - hey are you a mafia? Do you think someone will come in this-

........... - yea I am.

" nice joke but it's not the right time uk"

.......... - there he is-  come!

I saw a car standing front of my eyes. I was shocked.

*is he really a mafia*

.......... - come fast!

I was about to run but i thought about the situation.

" It will be okay if I go with him otherwise I have to stay alone in this streets "

I went to that car.

" so what's your name mr. Mafia "

front sit person was about to touch his gun then he glared at him

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