"We could hide away in here you know," Fred said, scooting over until he was seated in front of me, legs crossed, leaning forward. He reached for my hands, taking them in his own, and placing electric kisses onto my knuckles. "No one would ever suspect we'd actually stay here."

This was the hard part of leaving. The part where I needed to decide whether I'd tell him the truth about what I was actually setting out to do, or if I let him believe that I was really leaving with Harry. Though, the part I haven't quite figured out yet, was how I would even reach the dark lord. I knew if I let myself get taken while we were moving Harry it would take the focus off of getting him to safety. Not to mention, Bill would have my head if I missed his wedding.

"I think if they were looking for a master joker and his wife, the flat above his joke shop may be the first place they take a look," I said, holding back a laugh. He didn't want me to go, and I didn't want to leave him. "We didn't sleep last night," I commented, watching the stream of light become brighter and brighter.

"I don't think I'm tired," Fred answered, moving a strand of hair to rest behind my ear.

The worst was a realization that hit seemingly out of nowhere. The kind that just popped into my mind as if it was blatantly obvious, and I'd just not given it attention before. From now on, there was a chance, though I'd never truly know how big it was, but there was a chance that some part of him would never fully trust me again.

And I couldn't even blame him for it. It had been me that was keeping secrets. Plotting and planning behind his back for months. Never once thinking to include him in all of it. And worse, it would be his brother to be the one to tell him the truth. The truth about why our daughter couldn't stay with his family, the truth about where I was really going.

"Hey," he said, bringing my attention back to focus on him. He held a hand on my face, rubbing his thumb back and forth, making sure I was present. "Where did you go?"

I gave him a smile, capturing the way he looked at me. I don't think there was anything in the world I could compare that way I felt when he looked at me too. Not the stomach butterflies, or the skin tingles. It was a feeling all on it's own. One that he was solely capable of producing.

"No where, just... Times up," I said, looking at the clock on the wall indicating it was just about seven in the morning. My countdown had begun. I stood to my feet, searching for my shoes, but only spotting one by the door that led downstairs.

"Please don't," He said, breaking through the space. I looked over to see the way he hung his head. "If you want to send Ruby away, I understand. But- Please... Let me come with you." Fred had never by any means been a weak person, but I had put him in a situation that turned him into one. And for that fact alone, I'd never forgive myself.

I let out a sigh and reached for my jumper that hung over the back of the sofa. "What does it say about me, if I willingly allowed you to stay in danger?" I asked.

He stood to his feet, quickly reaching for his oxford shirt, but didn't bother with it's buttons. "What does it say about me if I'm not able to protect my family? As I just sit and watch you be thrown to the wolves," he asked in retort. It wasn't just his heart I was hurting. It was his ego.

"You forget yourself Mr. Weasley," I said, stepping closer to him as I buttoned his shirt. "I am a wolf."


"Come now, Dudley. Hurry up," Vernon shouted from the front yard. Overhead I could hear Harry pacing back and forth in what I assumed to be his room.

"I still don't understand why we have to leave," Dudley responded to him. Their muffled voices carried through the window.

"I've written both the landline and my mobile number here. When you get to where it is you're going please just... let us know you've arrived safely. There won't be an answer, but just a message," I asked as I pointed out the letter I'd written and stashed in the baby bag. I stood in the doorway that connected the hallway to what would be the living room. Not wanting to invade her space more than necessary. "She sleeps through the night, but only with her magpie blanket. She'll take a bottle, but we're using glass bottles only," I said, running through things she'd already know, and others i'd just been repeating.

The Girl who Survived  (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now