When your on your period

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You literally woke up to him shaking you,and when you finally woke up,he told you that he found a big "spot" of blood on the sheets. You hid your face in embarrassment,and he asked what was wrong,and,you explained it to him. And when you tried to take care of the mess,despite being in pain,he told you to go rest and let him handle it. So you went to sleep,and when you woke up,he was sleeping next to you,with a bag full of heating pads,medicine,etc.

You had been giving him death glares all day and he was afraid to approach you,so,he asked asano. "Did you ask if she's in her period? It could be that,or something else." Asano said. So,he asked kunikida to ask,which,meant,aka kyouka had to ask bc kunikida was too uncomfortable and dazai didn't want to get murdered. Kyouka reported that you weren't feeling that good and was in fact,on your period. Do dazai took it upon himself to bring you heating pads,and other things,and cuddles.

He came home to you sleeping on the couch,tv on (playing cute animal complications),with a small tub of ice cream in your arms. He sighed and picked you up,carried you to the bedroom,and cleaned up the small mess you made,brought you some more pads,and cuddled you.

You feel asleep every where. Office,bathroom,trying to get to work,you name it. Kenji saw this and got a little worried,so just looked up what it meant and somehow,he ended up on 'period'. He took the day off with you,and let you sleep (after movies and cuddles).

Food. That's all you wanted and what you got. He was getting worried because when he saw you eat more sweets than you usually do,he thought some thing was wrong. He found out what was happening,and he got you some more food.

Boy oh boy. You were angry at him just for spilling milk,and another,you were apologizing with tears in your eyes because you yelled at him. When he found out what was going on,he tried his absolute best not to irritate you in any way.

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