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Heyo! So in honor of pride month this year, I'm going to be doing a little history/calendar special where each day I give a bit of history (done by my own research) on the different identities given to each calendar day of June shown on the calendar below. Please keep in mind that your specific identity may not be shown as it was designed to fit the amount of days in the month of June. That being said, I will try my best to include specials of any identities not listed in the calendar, either whenever I find the free time to do so, or in the days following pride month. Your identity not being shown in the calendar does not make you any less valid. With love, B. P.
(See the calendar below for what days are what identities)
Credit goes to @SRitzko on Twitter for making this beautiful calendar!

(See the calendar below for what days are what identities)Credit goes to @SRitzko on Twitter for making this beautiful calendar!

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Pride Month 2021Where stories live. Discover now