Chapter 14

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Today, Louis is supposed to get married. But not to Harry. Johannah and Anne felt very bad for both of them. But they didn't have a choice either. They were all helpless against Simon's demands and threats. "Harry?" Louis knocked on Harry's door, which was closed for the last three days. Harry didn't eat anything, didn't come out, nor did he make a sound. It was as if he wasn't in there. But he was. Harry was spending his days trying to overcome every love he had for Louis. But it was embedded too deep. He would throw things as he screamed, crying. Simon had ruined him.

"Harry, please listen to me. Talk to me." Louis knocked again. "I know it's hard. You are my everything. Please don't shut me out. Not today. I need you." Harry was on the other side of the door. He didn't have the courage to look at Louis on his wedding day. But he opened the door at the words 'I need you'.

Harry looked at Louis from head to toe. He was wearing his tux. He was ready. Louis gave Harry a longing look. "I am sorry. I never should have brought Eleanor into the picture. I should have looked at you from the beginning. I can't believe evrything that happened over these last four years. I met you, I knew you. I hurt you, I loved you. And now, look at me. Standing here in front of  you, begging you to forgive me." Louis started crying. Harry dropped down on his knees. He hugged Louis by his waist,"Don't go. I don't want to let go. Lou, you're all I've wished for these last four years. Those three months we spent after Germany were the best months of my life. That time when I saw you on X Factor, was the best time of my life. That night you stood up for me, was the best night of my life. I know we've been through so much. And now this. You are my love. I am not strong enough and I hate myself for it. But just hold on, please. A few minutes more." Harry was holding Louis very tightly. Louis got down on his knees and kissed Harry. Harry was holding onto Louis very tightly. They both were crying. Liam, Niall and Zayn were so hurt they couldn't bear to be in the same room.

Johannah and Anne just stood there, sobbing. Suddenly, Harry loosened his grip on Louis. Louis looked at Harry, surprised. "I don't want to hold you back any longer. Go." Harry said giving Louis a push. "Har-" "just go" Harry interrupted Louis. "I am sorry that I hurt you, Darling." these were the last words that Louis said to Harry. Ever.

It's been an year since Louis is married. Louis is standing over a grave, holding a note. The note said-

Dear Lou,

 I am sorry, Louis. I am sorry to do this. I can't stand seeing you with someone else. I know how much this will hurt you, but I don't want you to do this. You know I am not strong enough to stand upto anybody. But I did my best. I swear I did. 

I hope you live a happy life. A life with Eleanor. Have kids. Maybe, name one Harry. And look after Niall, Liam and Zayn. Don't let them go. I know by the time you read this, I'll be gone. But I want you to live your life to its end. Don't bring the end closer. I don't have the strength to go on. But I know you do. So go on.

Just live one life for the two of us.

Love, H.

That day, Liam, Niall and Zayn came back from the wedding. Their first instinct was to check on Harry. When Liam went to Harry's room, he saw that it was unlocked. He opened it but soomething blocked it. Liam squeezed his head through the opening. He found Harry on the ground. His left wrist slit open. Harry's long, curly hair were drenched in his own pool of blood. His green eyes were lifeless, cold. Liam screamed and called out to Niall and Zayn. They all were taken aback. Zayn found the note Harry wrote. Niall called Louis and told him what happened. There was a long silence at the other end. Louis rushed to the apartment as soon as he could. He was crying. No, Harry didn't do it. He is not that weak. He won't do this to me. Louis started convincing himself. When he entered the apartment, he ran straight to Harry's room.

When he saw Harry's body on the round, Louis broke inside. It was a wound that nothing or no one could heal. He dropped down on the ground and started screaming. Harry's cold eyes were staring at him. Niall, Liam and Zayn held Louis as tightly as they could. Soon, the place was swarming with police and doctors. Louis was sitting on the couch. He had a death-like stare. Anne was sitting with Liam, who had his arms around her. She was torn inside. She blamed it all on Simon. They didn't imagine this day ever. Louis never broke down like that. This was the second time he did it. As Louis saw Harry's body carried out on a stretcher, covered in white cloth, he remembered all the golden time they spent. He remembered when he first saw Harry, peeking out his shoulder. He remembered when Harry bowled a ball for him because it was too heavy. He remembered how Harry and Louis splashed each other in the balcony while watering the plants. He remembered when Harry confessed. He remebered the interview in Germany. Right now, all Louis wished for was a hug and kiss from Harry.

There was a beautiful memorial for Harry. Louis spoke what his heart desired. At the end, Zayn handed Louis the letter. Louis read it and promised to always do right by Harry.

As Louis stood against the grave with "Harry Edward Styles" engraved on it, he felt a tear drop. He wiped it, bent down and kissed his pal, only to touch the beautifully engraved name. Soon, Eleanor came holding little Harry. Louis got up, took Harry in his arms and said,"This is for you, Hazza."

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