Chapter 13

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All five boys landed in LA two weeks after Eleanor did. No one spoke to her since Louis's truth came out. As they exited the airport, They were ambushed by a ferocious crowd, some of which were press. Liam and Louis held firmly to all the boys as they tried to make their way towards the car. "Is it true? Are you and Harry dating?" One reporter asked. Louis looked at them, wide- eyed. When they sat in the car,"how did she know? Do you think Eleanor spilled our secret out of spite?" Louis asked. All the boys were confused.

Next day, Louis was called to Simon Cowell's office. "WHAT IS THIS LOUIS? Are the rumours true?" He asked. Louis was well aware of what Simon was talking about but he still stood there and asked dumbly,"What rumours?"

"Oh, don't play the innocent card with me. You know what rumours. About you and Harry? Are you guys dating?" Simon sounded disappointed and frustrated. Louis just stood there.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This is so not acceptable!! Your silence is answer enough." Simon reacted.

"But, we love each other and I don't even know how it came out." Louis said.

"Love? Do you think I run this company to support some stupid love story, which shouldn't even exist. Who knows about this?"

"Us boys, the management and my ex-girlfriend"

"Who? Eleanor? How did she know?"

"Um, we had a fight in Doncaster and it just kinda came out."

"You need to break up with Harry and get back together with Eleanor Calder." Simon ordered.

"I am sorry. No. I love Harry and he loves me. I won't do this."

"Well, its either this or I will be forced to break the band."

"What? No, this band is the best thing that ever happened to me. To all of us. We won't do it. It's ridiculous-"

"Louis, its your choice. You can't work with a colleague and have a relationship as well. Anyways, it's bad for my company's reputation. Two gay mates mixing business with pleasure. I want your answer in three days else your only option will be to let go off your band-mates."

Louis just stood there, shocked. "First of all, we are not just colleagues. We are a family. And your reputation has no chance against the love me and Harry share. So, Simon, break the band, for all I care. But remember this. Families find ways to get back together. One way or another. And, as far as me and Harry goes, we will come out as a couple. Now, you better sink this answer deep or I will make it clearer." saying this Louis stomped out of his office.

Once he was back in the apartment, he told everyone what Simon said. He saw Paul smirk as he narrated the ultimatum. "That's terrible. But I don't want to let you go. You guys are the only thing that matters at this moment of time." Niall said, half in tears. Harry was scared. He knew he wasn't strong enough to fight Simon.

Three days later, Simon was on the news. He was giving a heart-breaking news. ONE DIRECTION WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO REMAIN TOGETHER. The news flash had Niall, Harry and Liam on a full breakdown. Louis and Zayn remained strong. But not soon after Simon made another statement that burned Louis up. "I got the news, not a day ago, that Louis and Eleanor had sorted out what happened between them and were getting married on 2nd June." Harry looked at the news and then looked at Louis. He saw Louis staring at the screen, furious. "Also all the rumours about Harry and Louis being together are false. They are not true at all." Simon finished. Louis threw the remote at the TV, cracking the screen. He sunk his head into Harry's neck and started sobbing. 2nd June? It's two weeks from now. Louis thought. Even he knew Harry would do everything he could to fight it. But he isn't strong enough to stand up for it. He looked at Harry, who was looking at him with his emerald green eyes. "You won't leave me, would you?" Harry cracked. "No, baby. I would never give you up. Not in the least." But even Louis knew he was partly wrong.

A person like Simon Cowell, who has a stronghold on everything the boys did, can they prove him wrong? Harry knew that his love for Louis was above Cowell's understanding and their friendship with each other was precious. He knew that even without Simon, they would make it. But he wasn't sure what he would do now that Louis was supposed to marry Eleanor. Eleanor met Louis after a long time and they both discussed their next action.

A week went by and the wedding was drawing closer and closer. They all tried reaching the press, but Simon was two steps ahead. So whatever they did was counter attacked by Simon. Louis kept fighting as Harry descended into darkness. He cut the world off. He cut his friends off. Even his mum wasn't comforting enough.

1st June. Tomorrow Louis will get married to Eleanor. Louis knew that there was nothing he could do to avoid it. If he didn't show up, then Eleanor will be disrespected. But if he did, Harry won't be able to handle it. It was a moral dilemma.

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