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Crystal was panicking. Granted that's not exactly a new thing, but this was like the next level 'OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO DIE' type of panic. If you're wondering what happened let's go back a few months ago. To when Alex had her crazy idea.


Crystal, Alex, and Anne were just casually lying on the couch when suddenly Alex had a brilliant idea and blurted out,

"We should summon the characters of Harry Potter.".

Ok what 

Crystal and Anne looked at her like she was crazy, which in retrospect she probably was, but that was neither here nor there.

"I'm serious guys, imagine how cool that would be, I mean we've always wanted to meet them  and it can't be that hard," the others were still looking at her like she was crazy so she ventured onwards, "Crystal, you're a bloody genius and Anne, you're logical, you can stop us from anything dangerous and I, am an amazing spokesperson."

Ok, they had to concede, Alex knew how to play her cards just right. And so, they went on a wild goose chase trying to summon fictional characters. God, what has the world come to. At least Alex was rich.

---------------------------------------Back To Present--------------------------------------------------------------------

And now we are back to the present,  and Crystal was still panicking. Because, how the fuck is this supposed to work. All they have is a list and an untested machine. What? Alex, on the other hand, is having the time of her life and is quite happily singing songs over the fucking tornado that is in the livingroom. Anne, is calmly saying her prayers to whoever is up there for when she dies. Then all of a sudden there's silence, and they can see a bunch of Harry Potter characters through the one way glass. And just as quickly as the silence came, pandemonium ensues. And honestly Crystal just wants to drop dead at this point.

A/N: So how did you like my first chapter. Please comment your critics but also be mindful that this is my first story ever so don't hate me. By the way J.K.Rowling owns all except my three OCs

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