Chapter 2:Understanding feelings

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First of all am sorry for not posting for long but i did not have time. I think i will make it up to 4 chapters but we will see.
I Don't own ONE PIECE. Comment on stuffs you think i should add or remove..

Robin and Nami headed to the women quarters where Robin is talking to her about her feelings towards Luffy.

"So Nami-chan, what happened? I saw the look on yours and captain-san's face and you were both confused about something. For captain-san its normal he is always confused but for you to be like that something must have happened." Said Robin.

"It's nothing Robin am just confused about what will happen if Luffy gets a girlfriend one day." Nami replied her face staring at ground.

"I never really thought that but now that we are talking about it i think that captain-san will stay the same except that he might spend less time with everyone and more with her girlfriend." replied Robin

Nami now thinking about the answer of Robin could not help but feel sadness. Luffy would be taken away was already a sad thought for her and now he would spend less time with her and more with another woman was something she could not tolerate.

"I don't want Luffy to spend less time with me. I want him to be with me everytime, he left me for two years and now i don't want to bear it again." She said while tears began to roll down her cheeks

Robin stared at her, she always knew that Nami loved Luffy without knowing but for her to cry like that it meant that something happened in town for her to talk that way.

"Nami-chan what happened in town? You can trust me i won't tell anyine what you will say." Robin said while sitting next to her.

Nami told Robin about what happened at the town with the waitress which was flirting with Luffy and what she did.

"Why did i get angry and punch him? He has the right to get a girlfriend so why was i so angry Robin?" said Nami while hugging Robin.

"I think that its because you were jealous and also afraid that Captain-san likes her." she replied

"But why was i jealous or afraid that he might like her? Its too confusing. Please tell me about it Robin."

"Well Nami its because you are in love with captain-san. Its obvious that you like him, i have remarked it for some time too but you did not seem to notice."

"I think that you are right Robin i think i like him. What should i do? Should i confess or not? What if he doesn't like me and loves someone else?"

"I think that the only way to know is to ask him." Robin replied.
Outside the room a green-haired person who got lost on the ship accidentally heard  about the conversation of the two women and was so shocked that he fell down on his knees and was  actually  sweating. Their navigator loved their captain and for him it was an opportuity to clear his huge debt to the money-loving navigator. So he decided to try to help her in his own way by doing the toughest job in the world and that is explaining to Luffy.

He knew that it would be a big task and that for him alone it will be nearly impossible as Luffy was one in the stupidest person on earth, so he decided to seek help from the other guys including Sanji. He will also win something from it and that was he was gonna announce the news to the cook himself and he had a smirk on his face trying to visualise the reaction of the cook.

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