If your love was poison then now i will make use the same poison to destroy you

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Shehnaaz entered the mansion as Sidhart dragged her along. She was looking at the man with different emotions. No man had ever caught her eyes the way he had. He was comforting as hell; a Greek god. His muscles, which she was able to feel while hugging him, brought tingles to her skin. This man was flawless. His broad shoulders and abs were driving her crazy. He wasn't just a friend to her, but she was liking him the way a woman likes a man. His calm and subtle personality, the amount of success he had, everything about him was just perfect. Had she met him earlier, she would have fallen irrevocably in love with him and not with that Rohit, for sure. But her fate didn't seem to be so good to her. She cast her eyes away from the gorgeous prodigy she was ogling at and looked around the mansion.

The mansion was ethereal. No doubt, Manik, Sidhart, and Nandini had worked their asses off to achieve the success they had right now. The mansion was large and spacious, with a beautiful garden adorned with colorful flowers whose coloration she never knew existed. She gaped at everything she saw. The interiors were definitely jaw-dropping. The exquisite artwork on the walls, the lavish furniture, and paintings adorning the room, everything was set in the right order as if somebody had worked for years to set this magnificent mansion and decorated it with their soul. It was so beautiful that she wasn't able to take her eyes off anything. She just gaped at everything. Yes, she was richer than them in all senses, but then these three really did have much better taste and sense than her. She knew it today, seeing the mansion's impeccable beauty.

Sidhart chuckled at her reaction as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, bringing her out of her trance. Shehnaaz looked at him with a dreamy expression, making him chuckle at her cuteness. She sure was the richest woman on the planet, yet her childlike antics were really adorable for him to experience. He had never felt such a pull towards any lady before. She was different from others because her personality was unique. No matter how hard he tried, every time he uncovered some new veil of her personality.

"Sana darling!" Manik yelled from the stairs and dashed down the stairs, running towards his sister like a madman. Shehnaaz chuckled at his antics and opened her arms in advance for him to crash into them. Manik embraced her with all his might, choking her in the process. "Mani, I can't breathe," Sana stated, patting his back as he loosened his grip while still being in the hug. Sana ran her hand through his hair and patted his back lovingly as he closed his eyes in pure bliss. Getting to see your sister after almost a year is definitely emotional, and Manik was on the edge seeing Shehnaaz after so long. He wanted to say so many things. He wanted to tell her everything just like old times and express his worries and insecurities. She was always his parent more than an older sister. Since childhood, he went to her and cuddled her whenever he needed the warmth of a mother. She was there catering to his needs whenever he wanted her. She was always there. She was there to scold him like a father, to teach him the values of life like a father, and to prepare him for the worst with her strict rules. She did everything a parent would do to prepare their child before they take control over their world. She was a loving mother, a strict and friendly father, a life tutor, a listener, a protector. Everything Manik needed was there with Shehnaaz. She was always there to be by his side and support him no matter what. He loves Nandini a lot, but Shehnaaz is his home, his family, which made him the Manik Mahlotra he is.

He was craving to meet his sister the whole year, and today when he met her, he felt as if his heart came back to him. He felt at home again. "Sanu, I have missed you so much!!" Manik exclaimed, kissing the top of her head and then dragging her to the living area. Nandini too came down listening to the commotion and ran straight into Shehnaaz's arms. "Damn girl, I missed you so fucking much. I love Sanu, please live with us!!" Nandini exclaimed, breaking the hug as a few tears trickled down her face. Sana hugged her again and wiped her tears as Sidhart ruffled Nandini's hair.

May be we were meant to be!!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora