Broken Ice and Cold Snow (Frieda x Ivan)

Start from the beginning

"Tired already you two?" A familiar voice asked as a light but dark blue tender engine slowly puffed into the station. "Almost Frieda….." Ivan mumbled softly before chuckling as his driver fixed his hat before returning back to set on the bench. "Did zi really startle you both zhat bad?" Frieda asked as she slowed to a stop next to the two. 

"I guess so seeing how my own driver nearly jumped out of his own skin" Ivan chuckled as his driver nearly sank into the bench lowering his hat to keep the two from seeing his flustered face. Frieda giggled "Well I'll try not to zext time…" she softly said. "I guess shunting thoze truckz up in zhe mountainz aren't treating you two zhat well?" She asked.

Ivans driver huffed "you could say that again…" he said. "It's true, is not really the best but hey some one has to do the job right?" Ivan added softly chuckling. Frieda winced at his words. "I zuppose so…" she softly said. "Have zou asked to a get a different job beside zhat one?" She asked.

Ivan nodded "there's no point in it anyway im stuck with that job until winter blows by.." He mumbled. Frieda sighed "well hopefully zhe winter will be over soon… i hate worrying about zyou.." She mumbled the last part softly blushing. Ivan barely heard it but could only assume she didn't mean it romantically as his driver got up.

"We better head back to are shed before this snow gets worse" his driver said climbing into Ivans cab. "I'll be with zou soon, i just have to go drop off zhese coaches then I'll be back" Frieda said. "Be safe.." Ivan said as the two left heading in different directions. 

The wind was harsh as Ivan tried to push through long enough until he got to his old wooden shed away from the wind and harsh midnight cold. Once he was inside his driver shut both the doors as the wind screamed and bashed against the old shed. Ivan had grown very used to winters like these in Russia but even he had to admit he was afraid the shed would fall in from such hard wind. 

It wasn't long until Frieda joined him, at that point the weather had toned down some to bearable levels of wind. Once the shed doors had closed she glanced over to see Ivan fast asleep as a small blush spread across her cheeks. It wasn't long until she too fell asleep as it softly snowed outside. 

It was dawn when Ivan woke up, Frieda had already left to attend to her line. Once Ivans driver was able to get the shed doors open nothing but a soft powder of white snow layed softly across the land, not a single snow flake had fell from the sky but the cloudy weather showed signs of it snowing once more today. 

Ivan was quick to leave as he headed back up towards the old Mountain. Looping around tracks and sharp turns as careful as he could so he wouldn't roll down the mountain. He slowed to a stop once he reached the yards as he looked around to see a long line of trucks that needed to be moved around. With a soft sigh he went to work.

He kept shunting and pushing trucks around, as they came and left. It was now afternoon when he was refuelling his engine to move more trucks around before leaving. He knew that Frieda would be waiting for him down at the station wondering what was taking him so long. 

The weather by now had picked up to hard wind as it blew over anything it could touch. Ivan only had a few more trucks left until he could finally leave that was until he heard the soft sound of falling snow followed by a fimilar whistle. He quickly glanced up to see that a avalanche was indeed heading his way. 

He backed up thinking he was on the line that looped around the building but he forgot he was on a dead end track bashing right into the buffers behind him. He quickly started to panic before hearing that same whistle as it grew closer before he realized that it was Friedas whistle. 

He darted his eyes over towards the line that lead up to building seeing Frieda slow to a stop right where the line straightened out at. When she noticed him her expression fell from confused to terrified. 

"IVAN!" She yelled quickly switching tracks over towards him before it was too late. With a soft but loud crunch the snow had fallen down onto him. Frieda felt her boiler go cold, depending on how heavy or what that snow had in it he could be dead and she was afraid of just that. Nothing but a gaint pile of snow layed but a few tracks away from her as crew men quickly rushed over with shovels and other things. 

"Frieda we need you to go down to the station and phone the emergency crew NOW!" the manager yelled at her as she quickly yet carefully rushed down the mountain towards the station as her driver quickly ran to the phone. She could now only hope that Ivan would make it before the cold got to him. 

It was dark, his vision slightly blurred as he groaned awake in pain. It took him a moment to see where he was. He was in the shed towards the back of the building up on the mountain. Next to him sat a crate with a old gas lit lamp with active heaters on each side of him. 

Glancing around he saw a small broken mirror propped up next to the old lamp at an angle so he could see his side vents. His side vents we're leaking what remained of black fuel, with black smudge around the outer parts of his vents. 

It looked to be that the workers weren't able to clean him up or fix him yet as his running board was covered in the leaky substance. A soft gasp was heard to the right of him. The entire time he had failed to realize Frieda was next to him. "Oh zhank goodness… your zalive…" She softly sighed.

"Surprise…." He softly said in a raspy voice. Frieda's expression faded as she noticed his wounds. "I know zyou aren't feeling well right now zo maybe it's best zyou rest…" Frieda said. "But then i wouldn't get to spend time with you.." He quietly argued. "ZYou need your rest more Ivan…" Frieda argued back softly blushing knowing what he ment. 

Ivan softly groaned as Frieda chuckled. "Okay.. but only because you asked.." Ivan softly said slowly leaning on Frieda as she blushed even more at the small Diesel. "I love you.." He softly mumbled. Frieda giggled "i love you more now go to zleep" she encouraged as he drifted of to sleep with her by his side. 

The two stayed snuggled up together for the remainder of the afternoon keeping each other company as Ivan slowly got better from the accident as Frieda stayed by his side the entire time as the two shared a undying affection for one another until Ivan could work again. 

(I wanted to try and do some other ships that aren't spasificly on Sodor, this ship was sorta a crack ship me and a close friend made joking that the two was technically married *not literally lol* But like always i hope you have a Good Day / Night and thank you all for reading and i hope you enjoyed it!!)

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