5. Drunk Page Boys

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The foyer - no perspective

"Mum we need to talk to you!" Jonny called out to Jackie as him and Adam went over to her.

"Are you alright?" Jackie asked, looking at them rush over to her and Martin.

"Is there anything you want to tell us?" Adam pressed, hoping that she would put them out of their misery and say that they weren't page boys.

"Okay, I need to tell you something but, please don't be angry." Jackie begged them.

"What?" Jonny asked, just wanting to know once and for all.

Jackie looked around timidly before finally admitting, "You are page boys."

"WHAT?!" Jonny yelled.

"I bloody knew it!" Adam pointed angrily.

"We were gonna tell you earlier, but it'll be fine, just fine! Coming, Mummy." Jackie awkwardly got away leaving Martin to deal with a fuming Jonny and Adam.

"Great, we're page boys." Jonny complained looking to the car park as if it wasn't too late to run away all together.

"Little page boys." Adam whined.

"Oh, stop fussing. All you have to do is walk behind your grandmother and hold up her dress."

"Hold up her dress?!" Adam repeated in denial.

"It's an honour." Martin scolded them.

"Yeah, for three year old girls!" Jonny retaliated.

"Mr Goodman?" A man came out asking for Martin.

"Chin up, lads." Martin gave them a thumbs up before heading off.

"Oh, pissing shit buckets!" Adam complained as Jonny let his head hang back in dread, not realising that one of the rabbis was walking past at the time.

"Shalom." Adam awkwardly muttered as Jonny just nodded slightly at him.


The roof - Lindsay's perspective

As I poured myself another shot of vodka, Jonny and Adam emerged onto the roof.

"I don't care how low my bloody alcohol tolerance is, I'm taking this." Jonny complained, snatching the bottle of vodka off the ledge and started drinking it directly from the bottle.

"I take it you're page boys then?" I smirked.

"If we jumped off this, do you think there's enough height for it to kill us?" Adam asked, leaning over the edge of the roof slightly.

"I doubt it, you'd land on that flower bed and probably survive." I laughed.

"Fuck's sake." He hissed, jumping back. "I still say it's worth a try."

"What music have you got here?" Jonny asked me, picking up my phone and unhooking it from my EarPods to have a look at my playlist. "This one." He started blasting You Give Love A Bad Name by Bon Jovi.

"Shot through the heart and you're to blame." We all sang at the top of our lungs before taking another shot to drink our problems away. "Darling you give love a bad name!"

We already had the previous shots in our system and we were really starting to feel it now. Jonny flew through my playlists until he found one he liked with far more rock on it to get us hyped.

"He's a fucking psychopath." Adam yelled a few songs later, now that we were all completely pissed.

"He's my grandfather and he's always finding reasons to touch me!" I yelled back as though it was a competition, but we still had sympathy for each other.

"This morning, when he was trying to do up my top button, I SWEAR TO GOD, his fingers lingered a lot longer than they should have." Jonny cried, waving the shots glass in his hand before downing it.

"At least he didn't shove his hands down your pants! Because let's not forget he also did that to me." Adam complained, snatching the bottle out of Jonny's other hand.

"You should say something to him!" I encouraged them.

"Us?" Jonny asked, pointing at him and Adam with his glass in his hand.

"Yeah, set him fucking straight." I yelled.

"You know what, fuck it! I'm gonna go yell at him!" Jonny stood up and pointed off to the distance as if he was giving some heroic speech, but it wasn't so heroic when he lost his balance and nearly fell on top of Adam.

"Now?" Adam asked.

"No, later." He suddenly shook his head and collapsed back down onto the floor where Adam and I were sat.

"Chicken." Adam teased him.

"Why do you call Mr Morris Mr Morris?" Jonny asked me curiously, unintentionally changing the subject.

"Because that's his name."

"No but like, why don't you call him grandfather?" He asked, slower this time as to not confuse himself.

"He doesn't let me, and he doesn't let my mum call him dad." I told him.

"Why?" Adam asked.

"He disowned her when she got pregnant, 'I have no daughter' or something."

"Because she wasn't married?" Jonny suggested.

"Because she was still in school." I corrected him.

"You're still invited though?" He added.

"I think he wanted some of those girls to set an example, I don't know."

"Hell, I could get any one of those girls pregnant and my dad wouldn't say anything." Adam complained, with a pitying look in his eyes.

"Here, here!" I raised my glass to his and clinked them.

"Why don't you go get your bloody female then?" Jonny suggested.

"Alright I will, don't wait up." He gloated heading downstairs. Jonny turned his head back to watch him leave then swung it back down, stretching his legs across the floor.

"So, we know why he didn't mention you to us, but did he ever mention us to you?" Jonny asked grabbing the bottle of vodka, extremely intrigued.

"All he said was, 'Nellie has a lovely daughter and these two grandsons, but I was a lot better looking than them when I was their age.' Then he never mentioned you again." I explained, slowly waving my hand around to make several gestures.

"Was he?" He asked with raised eyebrows as he poured more vodka into his glass.

"Nah." I smirked, glancing over the edge of the roof to look at the park.

"Then let's say hypothetically this wedding was happening but we weren't gonna be related by the end of it, if I asked you out..." He didn't finish his sentence but I could assume what he was going to say.

"I probably would have said yes." I told him.

"Well that's really fucking annoying then." He complained, almost yelling without realising it.

"Do you dance at weddings, Jonny?" I asked him forwardly, pouring myself another drink.

"No, I never have anyone to dance with." He admitted.

"Well if, God forbid, this wedding actually happens I'll dance with you." I suggested openly.

"I'm gonna hold you to that, you know." He told me, almost concerned that I wouldn't realise that he was being serious even if I wasn't.

"I'll drink to that." I laughed before clinking my glass with his.


A/N: Shalom.

In case it isn't obvious, I'm doing the FND scenes from memory so if they aren't word for word that's why. Sorry (not at all sorry) lmao


Stolen Dance // Jonny GoodmanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora