The second Elimination

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"Everyone give yourself a round of applause you've made it past round 1 on love or host." We all clap. "Now Dream that first elimination must've been very hard but! It only gets harder from here. For this next round I want each and every one of you Ladies. To tell me what will be your 'Dream' date. Haha get it cause Dream." No one says anything. "Okay well anyways let's start with Ofelia la, what is your dream date with Dream."

"Okay so right, we're at this fancy restaurant. With this private booth, and we order a lot of food. Even if we don't eat it, we just order it. And to top it all off you Dream pay for it."

I start laughing and then say, "Yea Dream pay for it all, you're obviously the one with the money here." Dream laughs and Ofelia response, "I don't even take offense to this, I've seen the net worth." "How'd you fucking see that," Jenna says. "I looked on the very reliable source google." "Oh really," I say as I start to search it up." I looked and it said 3 million. "Geez Dream 3 million. Take us all on very expensive dates at this point."

"Well," Dream says and laughs a few other and I join in. "Hey listen I'm down for it," Ash says. "I'm also fine with it." Adrianah says. Dream tries to speak through his laughs, "Okay I am NOT taking all of you on expensive dates." "So lame," I say while rolling my eyes."

I'm having so much fun right now even though it's only the second round. I feel like I'm not being too quiet. I'm putting myself out there enough. But at the same time not trying to talk too much. I've think I've made a good impression to not be voted out this round. But you never know anything could happen.

"Okay, Heather what would be your dream date with Dream be like." "So I know this can be very boring to others, but I think a flower picking date would be nice." I tune her out Once I feel my phone vibrating constantly.

x19 new messages

Take all his money.
Steal the rich mans money.
NO! we don't not share our mans.
Only a date for yourself.
Then take his credit card.

Melody: gurll why you over here having a whole conversation with yourself.

Ken: I'm not just giving my bestie advice.
Something you wouldn't understand.

Melody: Um anyways.
I seen you lowkey three shade at Ofeaila Y/N.
Over here trying to start stuff.

Ken: She trying make her impression on the man with money.

Melody: All you talking about is money.

Ken: Hey listen when she marries the rich man.
I'm getting some money too.

Melody: Let Y/N decide.
Y/N look at these messages.

Ken: Gurll she obviously ain't paying no attention.

Plsss I'm not a gold digger.
And anyways I won't share with you.
Mr. boy that's named after a Barbie doll.:Y/N

Ken: You supposed to be throwing shade at these other girls not me.

I can do both.:Y/N

Ken: What you need to do is pop out more girl you are sitting in the shadows right now.

I am not I'm actually talking a lot more than most girls here. :Y/N

Ken: I don't know I think you need to step it up.

Melody: Adrianahs date is mad bland.

I quickly look up realizing that I zoned out texting for a while. It looked like heather and Adrianah already went. I looked back at my phone and start texting again.

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